

Alibaba Cloud Joins Technology Committee of the Content Delivery and Security Association (CDSA)

发布时间:2020-04-21 10:44

Global media and entertainment industry body elects Alibaba Cloud to advise its Board of Directors

HANGZHOU, China--()--Alibaba Cloud, the data intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, has today announced its latest elected membership to the Content Delivery and Security Association (CDSA) Technology Committee, recognizing the importance of its robust, secure and scalable cloud platform currently used by many global media and entertainment (M&E) organisations.

Alibaba Cloud is the first China-based global cloud service provider to be elected to the Committee, which named 17 members to the committee for the annual term. The Committee, composed of industry leaders in the service provider community, will advise CDSA’s Board and Content Advisors on the new control framework and business model for application and cloud security assessments, new technology solutions and improved workflows for IP protection, security and compliance, that are reshaping the way content is produced, managed and delivered.

Alibaba Cloud is also a new member of CDSA and the Media & Entertainment Service Alliance (MESA). As the first Chinese company to become a member of MESA, the global leading cloud provider will work with the 150+ member companies to drive efficiencies, and help enable digital transformation of the M&E industry.

One of six technology communities within MESA, CDSA supports cybersecurity and content protection solutions within the M&E industry, including those responsible for film, television, games, music, and entertainment.

Guy Finley, President at MESA and CDSA, said, “We welcome Alibaba Cloud as a new member of CDSA’s Technology Committee, as Alibaba Cloud has demonstrated it embraces a collaborative approach along with their robust abilities in securing content for the entertainment industry. We look forward to working with these industry experts to drive new initiatives and broader global engagement with content owners around content protection and information security technology solutions for media and entertainment.”

Larry Xiao, General Manager of Security at Alibaba Cloud Intelligence and Vice President of Alibaba Group, said, “As the media and entertainment industry becomes primarily digital, cloud is playing an increasingly important role, and security is a critical consideration. Becoming a member of CDSA demonstrates our commitment to content security in the cloud, and we are pleased to be able to play our part in establishing security standards, setting industry best practices, and serving content providers, platform providers and customers. We also feel that working as part of the organisation will help increase transparency and collaboration between different companies in every part of the world.”

A number of renowned production studios - including Animal Logic and Territory Studio – have partnered with Alibaba Cloud, assured by its ability to meet dynamic production needs. They are using a range of cloud technologies to drive efficiencies in media production, from improving the speed of decision making through to easier cross-site collaboration with artists and developer teams across the world.

These latest memberships follow Alibaba Cloud being assessed by the Trusted Partner Network (TPN) earlier this year.

Alibaba Cloud provides a number of solutions that are used by entertainment customers to gain efficiencies in scale, reliability, global reach and security across their whole media supply chain. Whether for content creation, processing or distribution requirements, services like Object Storage Service, Express Connect, Cloud Storage Gateway, Media Processing Service and CDN (Content Delivery Network), enable customers to implement a full content supply chain more quickly without an upfront investment in infrastructure.

Alibaba Group’s rich and diverse ecosystem, including the digital media and entertainment business, provides various business scenarios to keep enhancing Alibaba Cloud’s technologies and algorithms, which will ultimately be turned into offerings to benefit a wide spectrum of customers.

“As part of the Alibaba ecosystem and global strategy, Alibaba Entertainment has a comprehensive quality content and new infrastructure, driving the industry digitalization and providing better entertainment experiences to audiences,” said Gao Xiaosong, Chairman of Alibaba Entertainment Strategic Committee. “We are very pleased to be able to push forward this significant long-term partnership. With the support of the Alibaba Ecosystem, such as cloud service, mobile payment, online ticketing, etc., we hope to contribute to the infrastructure of the global entertainment industry.”

For CDSA’s announcement on this latest membership, please visit: https://www.mesalliance.org/2020/04/08/cdsa-board-elects-new-members-to-tech-committee/

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com), the cloud computing and data intelligence arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world’s top three IaaS providers, according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organisations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.


Luica Mak
Alibaba Group
+44 790 547 1332

Xiaoyi Shao
Alibaba Group

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