

TUV Rheinland Provides JD.com Free of Charge Protective Equipment Qualification Audit Services, Supporting Overseas Chinese and Students

发布时间:2020-04-23 10:00

BEIJING--()--Recently, Richard Liu and his wife Nancy Zhang, along with JD.com, donated 5 million masks, 50 invasive ventilators, and more than 600,000 pieces of protective clothing, goggles, medical gloves, and other medical supplies to the UK, which is one of the worst-affected countries by COVID-19 in Europe and has a large number of Chinese and Chinese overseas students. TUV Rheinland Greater China ("TUV Rheinland"), as one of JD.com's important partners in the field of testing and certification, provided qualification audit services free of charge for the protective equipment, including the surgical masks, medical protective clothing, goggles, gloves, ventilators, etc., supporting JD.com to strictly control the safety and quality of the donated medical supplies. This ensured the supplies could be imported into the UK at the fastest speed.

JD.com took advantage of its own intelligent supply chain and logistics integration to quickly purchase and deploy a large amount of protective equipment in China. After being informed of JD.com's charity and needs, TUV Rheinland immediately mobilized resources in various fields, formed a specialized group that night, had a discussion with the relevant person in charge at JD.com overnight, and completed the qualification audit for the medical supplies the following morning, covering medical device production and business licenses, product registration certificates, declarations of conformity (DOCs), CE certificates, and other materials, winning valuable time for the certified-safe and compliant medical supplies to be smoothly imported into the UK.

With the joint efforts of JD.com, TUV Rheinland, and other parties, part of the supplies have arrived in the UK so that many overseas Chinese and students have received free masks, with 120 per person distributed through application on the JD.com APP. In addition, a large amount of the donated materials will be sent to the British government and local hospitals with the assistance of the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom, the Chinese Charity Federation, the British Embassy in China, and the National Health Service (NHS) of the UK.

In today's globalized world, in the face of the pandemic no country can become an "isolated island." Helping countries overseas to control the pandemic as soon as possible is helping China maintain its own hard-earned anti-epidemic results. During the global pandemic, TUV Rheinland will continue to provide JD.com with relevant support and services to help overseas Chinese and overseas students prevent infection.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, TUV Rheinland has fully utilized its technical capabilities and advantages in the field of testing and certification, participated in government and enterprise support projects, and actively supported the prevention and control of the pandemic. As a Notified Body for the EU, TUV Rheinland can provide CE certification services for medical device products such as medical masks, medical protective clothing, and forehead thermometers. In addition, TUV Rheinland has also launched a series of new services in a timely manner, including CE certification for PPE eye protectors, fully supporting customers to conduct business and providing consumers with safe and reliable protective products.

About TUV Rheinland

TUV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services, founded nearly 150 years ago. The group maintains a worldwide presence of more than 20,000 people; annual turnover is EUR 2 billion. The independent experts stand for quality and safety for people, technology and the environment in nearly all aspects of life. TUV Rheinland inspects technical equipment, products and services, oversees projects, and helps to shape processes and information security for companies. Its experts train people in a wide range of careers and industries. To this end, TUV Rheinland employs a global network of approved labs, testing and education centers. Since 2006, TUV Rheinland has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. Website: www.TUV.com


Phoenix Chen, TUV Rheinland Greater China
Tel: +86 20 2839 1243

Eunice Wu, TUV Rheinland Greater China
Tel: +86 21 6081 1868

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