

Hytera Keeps Abu Dhabi Police Connected During the Coronavirus Pandemic

发布时间:2020-06-09 09:32


Imagine one day you get a traffic ticket from the police officers with the penalty amount stating: "Stay Home". Recently, movement restriction rules are being enforced in every Emirate in the UAE. In Abu Dhabi, the police officers patrol the streets round the clock and stress the need for people to stay home. They also urge the community to practice social distancing measures and to wear masks and gloves, when stepping out. The effect and efficiency of their work is being guaranteed by Hytera’s Narrowband & Broadband Convergent Communication Solution.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200608005013/en/

“During the day, we spread awareness that people should not step out during Sanitization Program and if we spot anyone not wearing a mask, we tell them to put it on. We would give a warning to first-time offenders and impose a Dh 1,000 fine if they're found outside again,” said one of the police officers from the patrols unit. Abu Dhabi Police is responsible for enforcing the compliance with the UAE federal law.

To prevent the spread of Coronavirus, police officers bear an important responsibility for ensuring the public's commitment to the national movement restrictions. The availability of reliable communication services has become an indispensable part to better safeguard citizens both in times of crisis and in normal day-to-day operations.

Abu Dhabi Police have adopted Hytera Narrowband & Broadband Convergent Communication Solution in 2019. Patrol vehicles were equipped with the Hytera Smart devices which support 2G/3G/4G and LTE. This provided the police officers with a converged radio and a smartphone supporting both narrowband and broadband technologies. Smart devices deliver key voice services through the built-in TETRA module, thereby guaranteeing the reliability and security of the Abu Dhabi Police’s daily voice communications. The LTE and Wi-Fi part of the radio provide the broadband data services and application software to support multimedia services, and smart applications used by the Police Enforcement to execute different tasks online, transmit data to the data center and send the required message or safety instructions to the public.

The built-in GPS location functionality of Hytera Smart Devices combined with integrated mapping systems and compasses can upload GPS locations to the Command and Control Center which makes the dispatch task more efficient.

“It is certainly a challenging time for everyone as the pandemic brings significant impact on our life. Many of our users like police and healthcare providers are in the front line of fighting against the virus. As a manufacturer, we believe the secure and reliable communications can make their work more efficient and effective. And as citizens, we all need to practice social distancing to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the community,” said Stanley Song, Director of the Middle East and North Africa region for Hytera.

For more information, please visit: https://bit.ly/36XU5Dz

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200608005013/en/


Lingran Tao

Hytera Keeps Abu Dhabi Police Connected (Photo: Business Wire)

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