

Singapore Changi Airport extends partnership with Smiths Detection to supply advanced hold-baggage and explosives detection systems

发布时间:2020-08-18 10:06

SINGAPORE--()--Singapore Changi Airport will deploy 20 units of ultra-high speed Smiths Detection HI-SCAN 10080 XCT automatic explosives detection systems (EDS) for the redevelopment of Terminal 2 Baggage Handling System.

The 20 HI-SCAN 10080 XCT units will be installed over four years in Terminal 2, starting from August 2020. Aside from the installation project, there is also a maintenance option for Smiths Detection to provide on-site service maintenance which includes comprehensive hardware and software support.

This deployment of the latest hold-baggage solution expands Smiths Detection’s screening security capability to Changi Airport.

“Before the aviation sector was disrupted by Covid-19, Changi Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world requiring high volumes of baggage screening, and our next-generation technology helps support this. We are confident that this partnership with Changi Airport Group will lead the way in driving higher standards for future adoption,” explained John Tan, Smiths Detection’s Managing Director, Asia.

The HI-SCAN 10080 XCT is both TSA certified and ECAC Standard 3.1 approved. It features a combined dual-energy X-ray line scanner and leverages CT technology to produce high resolution 3D images for an optimised detection performance. With a belt speed of 0.5m/s, the HI-SCAN 10080 XCT provides a throughput of up to 1800 bags/hour, making the screening process faster and more efficient. In addition, its modular build allows for flexible and easy installation, highest operational availability and ease of maintenance.


About Smiths Detection

Smiths Detection, part of Smiths Group, is a global leader in threat detection and screening technologies for aviation, ports and borders, defence and urban security. Our experience and history across more than 40 years at the frontline, enables us to deliver the solutions needed to protect society from the threat and illegal passage of explosives, prohibited weapons, contraband, toxic chemicals and narcotics.

Our goal is simple – to provide security, peace of mind and freedom of movement upon which the world depends.

For more information visit www.smithsdetection.com


Terri Teo
Edelman on behalf of Smiths Detection

Sophie Mills
Global Communications Manager

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