

Incheon International Airport trials UV light tray disinfection with Smiths Detection

发布时间:2020-08-19 09:50

IIAC to attain highest standard in passenger carry-on baggage screening with CT and enhance public safety with UV light technology

INCHEON, South Korea--()--Smiths Detection announced that Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) has successfully trialled its Computed Tomography (CT) technology based carry-on baggage scanner, HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX at Terminal 2 Transfer Inspection Center, followed by a trial of the new Ultraviolet (UV) light tray disinfection kit.

Incheon International Airport, South Korea’s largest airport, is one of the top 3 airports awarded for World’s Best Airport Security.1 Committed to elevating safety standards for its passengers while preparing for its Terminal 2 expansion, Incheon International Airport trialled the advanced baggage screening systems over seven weeks, ending in June 2020. This is now being followed by a trial of Smiths Detection’s new UV disinfection kit, proven to kill up to 99.9% of microorganisms – including coronaviruses – found on trays at checkpoints.

“The future of air travel depends on protecting the health and safety of all passengers and staff, and this partnership is committed to this task,” said John Tan, Managing Director, Smiths Detection Asia. “CT technology will enhance checkpoint security and speed up passenger screening processes. Passengers will now be able to leave liquids and electronic devices in their carry-on bags, transforming screening processes into quicker, more contactless ones.”

The HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX produces high-resolution volumetric 3D images allowing operators to perform more detailed on-screen inspections. Coupled with a lower false alarm rate, it reduces the overall rejection rate and need for physical re-inspection, translating to fewer touch points during security screenings. The UV light tray disinfection kit can be retrofitted into existing automated tray handling systems to kill harmful microorganisms on trays transported from reclaim back to the divest station. This further protects passengers and staff from physical transmission of contagious disease.

“Maintaining aviation security is an ongoing challenge. We’re confident that Smiths Detection’s technical expertise, industry experience, and solutions like the UV kit will enable Incheon International Airport to meet the industry’s highest security standards while safeguarding passenger wellbeing,” Tan also said.

In addition to ECAC EDS CB C3 approval, the HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX has also achieved the highest level of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) AT-2 certification.


About Smiths Detection

Smiths Detection, part of Smiths Group, is a global leader in threat detection and screening technologies for aviation, ports and borders, defence and urban security. Our experience and history across more than 40 years at the frontline, enables us to deliver the solutions needed to protect society from the threat and illegal passage of explosives, prohibited weapons, contraband, toxic chemicals and narcotics.

Our goal is simple – to provide security, peace of mind and freedom of movement upon which the world depends.

For more information visit www.smithsdetection.com



Terri Teo
Edelman on behalf of Smiths Detection

Sophie Mills
Global Communications Manager

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