

Arthur D. Little Announces New Board of Directors

发布时间:2020-10-09 10:34

2020 Partners’ and Shareholders’ Meeting celebrates success and resilience


Following the completion of its ninth Partners’ and Shareholders’ Meeting since becoming a private partnership again in 2011, Arthur D. Little (ADL) today announces the new members of its Board of Directors. The Shareholders’ Meeting also re-elected Ignacio García Alves to serve a new tenure of three years as Chief Executive Officer.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200923005336/en/

The results of the 2020 digital elections for the Board of Directors, with each member to serve a tenure of three years, were as follows:

  • Ignacio García Alves (Chairman)
  • Rodolfo Guzman
  • Yusuke Harada
  • Thomas Kuruvilla
  • Bernd Schreiber
  • Ulrica Sehlstedt
  • Nick White.

Held this year as a digital event that included over 100 participants, the Partners’ and Shareholders’ Meeting was an opportunity to celebrate the company’s ongoing success and resilience in the face of an exceptionally challenging year 2020 for the world.

Over the past five years, ADL has doubled in size, expanding its already-global geographic scope with 15 new offices, and adding 19 newly promoted and newly recruited Partners just this year. While pursuing a dynamic, sustainable and profitable growth path, the company has continuously transformed itself. ADL plans to accelerate its development, with substantial investments in people, new leading-edge offerings and digital, plus an increased focus on its unique “open consulting” approach, with the company having been widely recognized for its ability to combine a network of global experts and partner firms, with its own internal strengths.

Ignacio García Alves, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little, comments: “I am very thankful for this renewed expression of confidence, and I am determined to continue the extraordinary development of Arthur D. Little during this new mandate. I would also like to congratulate all new Board members as they take up their roles. I am confident they will be a great support and a vital driving force in aggressively and sustainably developing our company.

“Since our management buyout, we have made continuous and impressive progress, not to mention the strong resilience we have demonstrated during the COVID-19 crisis. I am truly inspired by the sheer energy and winning spirit of our teams. We are now entering a new chapter, and have ambitious plans to invest in the future by building on recent acquisitions (Presans and Cutter Consortium) and driving value through innovative offerings.

“Our commitment remains unchanged: we are here to help our clients, and the communities they serve, overcome today’s most pressing challenges and seize tomorrow’s most promising opportunities.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200923005336/en/


Cate Bonthuys
Catalyst Comms
+44 7746 546773

Arthur D. Little Board of Directors (Photo: Business Wire)

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