

UnitedLex Integrates Microsoft Cloud to Globally Scale Digital Transformation of Legal Services

发布时间:2021-01-28 09:08

NEW YORK--()--UnitedLex, a leading technology and legal services company, has integrated Microsoft Cloud services to globally scale UnitedLex Vantage, a holistic, turnkey technology platform built to revolutionize the customer experience and transform the legal function into a first-class digital citizen. UnitedLex has integrated Microsoft solutions into its software portfolio since 2008 and has deep experience working closely with Microsoft.

UnitedLex Vantage delivers a flexible, secure, and scalable platform, powering all enterprise legal workflows. Vantage comes with a vastly reduced implementation time (a matter of days versus months), a 20 percent increase in work efficiency, significant cost savings across overall legal and IT spend, and most crucially: new revenue opportunities for the business.

UnitedLex Chief Technology Officer Sean Jennings said, “We are pleased to deepen our longstanding relationship with Microsoft. The Vantage platform represents a substantial investment for UnitedLex to reinvent how legal services are delivered in enterprise technology landscapes, and such complex technical and business requirements can only be built and delivered on a world-class platform.”

UnitedLex Vantage integrates Microsoft Azure services, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform.

In addition, UnitedLex solves new customer challenges through its use of a wide range of Azure services, including machine learning, data analytics, artificial intelligence, security, and more to gain greater insights, drive significant optimization opportunities, and transform business processes.

“Microsoft was a natural choice for us because of the way they tie seamlessly into the tools our end customers are already using,” said Jennings. “These systems have been designed with resilience, scalability, and security with trust front and center, providing a natural platform for this transformative application.”

Vantage dramatically improves visibility and operational efficiency of the legal function, reduces administrative burden, consolidates and simplifies disparate department functions, and reduces friction for the legal professional from the outset. These core features are aggregated in one comprehensive platform, hosted securely and privately in a UnitedLex run and managed Microsoft Azure tenant.

“The inherent advantage of working with Microsoft is the opportunity to leverage the continual innovations made in their platforms,” Jennings added. “We are able to incorporate new technology quickly into Vantage and continue to deliver better outcomes for the organizations we empower.”

“Vantage utilizes the best of Microsoft cloud technologies, allowing UnitedLex to deliver differentiated features faster and more reliably to its end customers,” said Carlos De TorresVice President, One Commercial Partner at Microsoft Corp. “Integrating Azure and Power Platform allows UnitedLex to transform how legal services are delivered and establish the foundations that will allow its customers to grow and thrive in the future.”

About UnitedLex

UnitedLex is a technology and legal services company committed to delivering full-scale Digital Legal Transformation. The world’s most forward-thinking law departments rely on the company’s expertise in over 25 global jurisdictions. Founded in 2006, the team includes 3,000 legal, engineering, and technology professionals with major operations in 18 countries.


Scott Sperry

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