

Parimatch is the first officially licensed bookmaker in Ukraine

发布时间:2021-03-16 09:33


As Ukraine successfully starts legalization of the country’s gambling business — regulated in line with European gambling market standards — Parimatch has received the first official bookmaker license.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210315005602/en/

After having an 11-year blind spot, the state finally got round to gambling market regulation, following the example of European countries. The state will redirect funds generated from the sale of licenses to the budget in support of social needs: healthcare, education, sports, culture, and other areas.

As the gambling industry leader in the CIS countries, Parimatch holding continues to expand its presence in the region and is preparing for a full-fledged launch on the territory of Ukraine.

"We are the first on the market not only in quality of services and level of technological development but also in compliance with the rules of a transparent business environment. Parimatch was born in Ukraine, and we are happy to finally officially return and help develop the industry in our home country. Legalization of the gambling business will help Ukraine generate funds for the budget and distribute them where they are always needed — for social needs." — Sergey Portnov, CEO of Parimatch, commenting on the commission's decision.

Legalization of the gambling market in Ukraine opens up prospects for foreign investment, subject to tax legislation reform. At this stage, the cost of licenses along with taxation is the highest in Europe and doesn’t promise the most attractive investment conditions in the newly emerging legal-betting market. If the government meets the market halfway and completes tax legislation, Ukraine will unleash its potential as an Eastern European gambling hub, like Malta or Manila.

"The Parimatch company was originally founded in Ukraine, and we’ve finally come back! This is a particular challenge and significant responsibility for us, so we will provide the Ukrainian audience with the best the gambling industry can give the player.

Ukraine has great potential to become the leading platform in the Eastern European market, and we are ready to make this concept a reality," said Natalia Gilevich, CEO of Parimatch UA.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210315005602/en/


Anna Bondar, Head of Content at Parimatch

Parimatch is the first officially licensed bookmaker in Ukraine (Graphic: Business Wire)

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