

Former HSBC COO joins board at RegTech disrupter Napier

发布时间:2021-03-23 18:26


Fast growing RegTech company, Napier, which provides next-generation anti-money laundering (AML) solutions, has announced the appointment of former HSBC Group Chief Operations Officer, Andy Maguire, to its Advisory Board.

With over 30 years of experience in the finance sector, Andy is a recognised industry heavyweight with a proven track record in developing and delivering sustainable transformation, growth strategies, operational efficiency and integrations for top-tier global financial institutions.

As Group Chief Operations Officer at HSBC he was responsible for the Bank’s global cost base and led operations across retail, private and commercial banking in UK, Europe, US, Canada, Latin America and Asia. During that time, he was responsible for the development of the group’s financial crime and operational risk capabilities as well as its highly successful digital transformation programme.

Andy is currently Chair of Global Banking as well as a Managing Director and Senior Partner in the London office of The Boston Consulting Group.

In his role as Board Adviser at Napier Andy will use his vast industry knowledge to provide insight and strategic direction as the company continues its rapid global expansion.

Julian Dixon, CEO of Napier, said: “As a business we’re growing fast, so being able to tap into Andy’s experience will give us an immeasurable edge in taking this to the next level. He’s highly respected within the finance sector and will bring a number of qualities to our Advisory Board that will only benefit us moving forward, so it really is a major coup.”

London-headquartered Napier works with financial organisations around the globe to provide an AI-led platform for intelligent AML and trade compliance. Doubling its annual revenue in 2020, the company has been growing its roster of global customers, including being recently named as the official anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing technology platform for Australia Post.

On his appointment, Andy said: “This is a very exciting time for the development of AI-led solutions in the fight against financial crime, and Napier are very much at the forefront of that digital arms race. When I was approached about potentially joining the Advisory Board, I didn’t hesitate to accept the opportunity. Now is the time to be nimble, so I’m looking forward to being part of the great work that Napier are doing to transform AML compliance through technology.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210323005524/en/


Napier Press Office
John Sullivan

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