

Arthur D. Little Acquires MAG to Expand Media & Telecoms Practice in the US and Globally

发布时间:2021-04-14 09:49


Global management consultancy Arthur D. Little (ADL) today announced it has acquired MAG, a US-based management consultancy focused on the convergence of media, technology, and wireless. The deal expands ADL’s global Telecommunications, Information Technology, Media, and Electronics (TIME) Practice and brings additional senior-level expertise to the firm’s growing presence in the US and abroad.

Founded by media and telecoms veterans Shahid Khan, Mark Rowland, George Yun and Fred Boxa, MAG is built around a senior team of seasoned, highly regarded industry experts. The firm brings with it a history of end-to-end engagements spanning from strategy through execution, with a strong reputation for delivering impactful results to some of the world’s leading media brands and communications companies. The team’s expertise addresses critical concerns in the media marketplace through solutions focused on networks and technologies, content and media, and the future of operations.

The acquisition of MAG is an exciting addition to ADL’s continued expansion in the US market and beyond,” said Craig Wylie, Managing Partner of ADL US. “It follows ADL’s recent partner-level hires in the US Travel and Transportation, and Energy sectors.”

Karim Taga, Managing Partner of ADL Global TIME Practice added, “The MAG team has an extensive track record across the value chain of the media sector, and we know they will provide outstanding senior-level depth to our already strong media and technology capabilities.”

MAG is led by Shahid Khan, a prominent thought leader and serial entrepreneur in the media sector with more than 25 years of experience. The team will work out of ADL’s US offices to service clients in both the US and abroad.

“Our team at MAG is thrilled to join ADL,” said Mr. Khan. “Our culture blends perfectly with ADL’s emphasis on client-focused innovation, execution, and entrepreneurial spirit, while our experience with some of the world’s leading media brands will bring new ideas and opportunities for advances within the industry.”

Ignacio Garcia Alves, Chairman and CEO of ADL, concluded, “As we continue our global growth, we embrace the addition of teams and companies that, like ADL, prioritize innovation and leverage their deep industry expertise to act as ‘breakthrough enablers’, helping our clients to Anticipate, Innovate and Transform. The acquisition of MAG is another important piece of that attractive value proposition.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210413005692/en/


For more information:
Alex DeBlois
Longview Strategies

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