

Beeline Russia and P.I. Works Expand Partnership Scope with Automated Radio Access Network Planning

发布时间:2021-04-20 13:24

Beeline Russia selects P.I. Works' SmartPlan to transform network planning processes through automation and AI.

LONDON--()--Beeline, Russia’s established mobile operator, has partnered with P.I. Works on network planning project, aimed at streamlining the operator’s investment planning processes and revolutionizing customer experience. As a part of the project, P.I. Works SmartPlan, the cutting-edge automated and AI driven network planning solution, will be deployed nationwide.

Prior to this agreement, P.I. Works provided network planning services for Beeline, which exemplified the SmartPlan’s Return on Investment and Service Quality based planning capabilities. This initial project covered three of Russia’s branches, Moscow, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk, and optimized investments by 19% for high-level technical calculations and resulted in a reduction of 23% of the number of planned sites with LTE extensions. These results highlight the investments that Beeline Russia is making in data networks, and supports the possibility of improving time-to-market, thereby paving the way to a nationwide full-scale automated network investment planning project.

Valeriy Shorzhin, Executive VP, CTO Beeline said, “With customer experience at the forefront of everything we do, network investment planning has never been more fundamental to meeting our strategic objectives. Our aim is to achieve these while maximizing investment cost efficiencies and reducing the planning cycles. After the SmartPlan system is implemented, we intend to undertake in-depth analysis of the data coming from multiple sources in automatic mode. This gives us possibility to calculate high-level site and extension plans with high accuracy in automated mode. We expect this to create a more time-efficient investment planning process, provide more transparent calculations, and enable more structured processes given the intelligent automation capabilities of the system. We are confident that our partnership with P.I. Works will open up new opportunities for both companies.”

P.I. Works’ proprietary Smart Network Planning solution incorporates business and network metrics into a single solution to effectively forecast the network traffic volume and plan future investment decisions. It also uses inputs like Network KPIs, physical site data, point-of-interest locations, crowdsourced data, marketing data and other customer centric data to generate a priority model for investment planning decisions in line with Beeline’s planning policies.

SmartPlan solution orchestrates the investment requirements of different business units in a single platform and incorporates all layers and technologies into one process. This avoids separate planning processes for different business programs and requirements, thus eliminating redundant site investment. The solution also prioritizes the new site investments per region and technology based on Beeline’s planning policies.

Bülent Koca, Sales Director at P.I. Works said, “Teaming up with Beeline has once again proved the success of our commendable track record in network automation. We are proud to be able to cater for the needs of our partner, with the support of our unparalleled network planning offerings. We strongly believe that SmartPlan system will radically transform Beeline’s customer experience levels, all while keeping costs in check.”

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Media, P.I. Works, Melih Murat, marketing@piworks.net

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