

JPNAP Supports Growing Digital Traffic with Ciena

发布时间:2021-04-21 10:00

New network offers low latency connectivity to carry gaming and high-definition 4K/8K video traffic


Japan Network Access Point (JPNAP), a leading Internet Exchange (IX) provider operated by INTERNET MULTIFEED CO. (IMF), has deployed Ciena’s (NYSE: CIEN) data center interconnect (DCI) platform to meet surging capacity demands. With nearly 5x more traffic today compared to several years ago, JPNAP needed a high-performing DCI backbone network to efficiently handle internet traffic in bustling hubs such as Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Sendai.

“Delivering fast and superior digital experiences for end users today requires that IX services be delivered with low latency via multiple data centers, necessitating enhanced DCI performance,” said Mr. Katsuyasu Toyama, Chief Operating Office and Executive Vice President, IMF. “Deploying Ciena’s DCI strengthens JPNAP’s backbone network and reinforces our ability to provide reliable connectivity to more than 200 customers such as service providers, global cloud and content providers, and enterprises, for high-capacity connectivity services.”

To address requirements from customers, JPNAP installed Ciena’s Waveserver Ai compact DCI platform to provide 100GbE connectivity between data centers where JPNAP’ PoP exists. With this deployment, JPNAP has simplified its network through increased automation with Waveserver Ai’s integrated line system capability. This has allowed JPNAP to lower capital and operational expenditures while providing ample point-to-point DCI capacity up to 4 Tb/s between locations.

“JPNAP’s deployment of Ciena satisfies not only the largest DCI requirements but also paves the way for higher capacities, including 800 Gb/s wavelengths with 400 GbE services,” said Mr. Kazuyasu Takahashi, Vice President and General Manager, Ciena Japan. “Ciena sets the standard for data center efficiency, further reinforcing the value of a network that can adapt to drive innovation.”


Established in 1997 and funded by Japan's leading ISPs and Internet Content Providers. INTERNET MULTIFEED has taken the lead in providing services contributing to the growth of the Internet and is recognized for its reliable social infrastructure. INTERNET MULTIFEED's high-quality Internet Exchange service, JPNAP, has grown to become one of Asia's largest Internet exchanges. JPNAP supports the reliable exchange, distribution, and transmission of large-volume traffic. As of March 2021, JPNAP is exchanging over 3 Tbps of traffic and is used by more than 200 customers in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and the Sendai area.

About Ciena

Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) is a networking systems, services and software company. We provide solutions that help our customers create the Adaptive Network™ in response to the constantly changing demands of their end-users. By delivering best-in-class networking technology through high-touch consultative relationships, we build the world’s most agile networks with automation, openness and scale. For updates on Ciena, follow us on Twitter @Ciena, LinkedIn, the Ciena Insights blog, or visit www.ciena.com.

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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210420005189/en/


Press Contact:
Virginia Stratford
Ciena Corporation
+1 (410) 694-5761

Investor Contact:
Gregg Lampf
Ciena Corporation
+1 (410) 694-5700

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