

OAG Metis to Power Flight Information Innovation

发布时间:2021-04-23 10:00

Open Technology Platform Gives Direct and Flexible Access to High-Value Travel & Aviation Data All in One Place

LONDON--()--OAG, the world’s leading provider of travel data and insight, today announced the launch of OAG Metis, its new game-changing technology platform. Powered by Microsoft Azure and Snowflake, the platform will enable customers to scale confidently, adapt and innovate.

OAG Metis is an open platform with access to a blended and configurable view of high-value flight information, including airline schedules and flight status. It is also the home to new, unique, and proprietary content. By blending multiple data sources within a single platform, OAG is enabling the entire travel ecosystem to make better decisions and spark innovation.

The new technology platform gives customers the data they want, when they want it, in their preferred delivery mechanism (Alerts, API and Direct). For the first time, users can directly connect into OAG’s cloud database for instant access to OAG data.

OAG Metis is powering an exciting roadmap of innovation at speed for the organization. In the backdrop of a tumultuous year, a culture of customer-driven development has resulted in the launch of two new ways to consume OAG data – Flight Info API making the freshest data in the market available, and Flight Info Direct to expedite processing and allow flexible access to raw OAG data.

“Volatile market changes have left the air travel industry struggling to keep pace with rapidly occurring flight changes and cancellations,” said Phil Callow, CEO, OAG. “Our customers need a new way to consume and analyse data to fuel their road to recovery. Our OAG Metis platform allows them to find clarity in a world of upheaval and paves the way to delivering the intelligence and confidence required to navigate today’s challenges and unlock tomorrow’s opportunities.”

OAG customers, which include leading airlines, airports, technology companies, travel providers, financial institutions and government agencies, will benefit from a wave of new product innovations over the coming year as future products, content and capabilities are enabled using the OAG Metis platform. OAG’s dedicated data science team, OAG Labs, is already unlocking capabilities of the platform using AI-enhanced data to predict what is likely to happen based on past and recent events.

“We’re investing heavily in customer-led innovation. OAG Metis is an open platform that empowers users from all industries to innovate and spot opportunities for growth and disruption,” added Callow.

To learn more, visit https://www.oag.com/whats-new-oag/oag-metis-technology-platform.

About OAG

OAG is a leading global travel data provider, that has been powering the growth and innovation of the air travel ecosystem since 1929. Headquartered in the UK, OAG has global operations in the USA, Singapore, Japan, Lithuania and China. For more information, visit: www.oag.com and follow us on Twitter @OAG Aviation.


Chrissy Azevedo
Corporate Ink for OAG

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