

Lattice Automate Solution Stack Accelerates Development of Industrial Automation Systems

发布时间:2021-05-13 10:16

New Stack Provides Low Power, Secure, and Reliable Solutions for Next-Generation Factory Automation and Industrial Robotics

HILLSBORO, Ore.--()--Lattice Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ: LSCC), the low power programmable leader, today extended its portfolio of comprehensive low power FPGA-based solution stacks with the introduction of Lattice Automate™. The stack includes software tools, industrial IP cores, modular hardware development boards, and software-programmable reference designs and demos that simplify and accelerate implementation of applications like robotics, scalable multi-channel motor control with predictive maintenance, and real-time industrial networking. Intelligent industrial systems made possible by Automate will play a vital role in automating future smart factories, warehouses, and commercial buildings.

Technology trends like the IoT and Edge computing are driving development of intelligent automation systems to improve efficiency and worker safety. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global industrial automation market is projected to reach USD $326.14 billion by 2027.1

“In order for automated industrial systems to provide the productivity and safety benefits businesses want, they must support features like low power operation, low data latency, high availability, and real-time processing,” said Mark Hoopes, Director of Industrial Segment Marketing, Lattice. “The Automate solution stack offers a quick and easy way for developers to create industrial systems that leverage these features to support emerging technologies like predictive maintenance.”

The Automate stack offers reference designs and software tools for the rapid development of popular industrial applications, including:

  • Scalable Motor Control – accelerates development of flexible motor control systems, including a GUI-based user interface for system monitoring and control.
  • Predictive Maintenance –minimizes machine downtime by monitoring multiple motors in a system.
  • Embedded Real-time Networking – implements an extensible sense and control system for a large number of devices using a Lattice Nexus™ FPGA as the central controller.
  • Cyber Resiliency – enables a hardware Root-of-Trust that can detect, protect, and recover from a firmware-based attack in real time.
  • Easy-to-use Software Design Methodology – the stack supports Lattice Propel™ for simplifying development of industrial automation systems with software/hardware co-processing using an embedded RISC-V processor.

For more information about the Lattice products mentioned above, please visit:

About Lattice Semiconductor

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) is the low power programmable leader. We solve customer problems across the network, from the Edge to the Cloud, in the growing communications, computing, industrial, automotive, and consumer markets. Our technology, long-standing relationships, and commitment to world-class support let our customers quickly and easily unleash their innovation to create a smart, secure, and connected world.

For more information about Lattice, please visit www.latticesemi.com. You can also follow us via LinkedInTwitterFacebookYouTubeWeChatWeibo, or Youku.

Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, Lattice Semiconductor (& design), and specific product designations are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. The use of the word “partner” does not imply a legal partnership between Lattice and any other entity.

GENERAL NOTICE: Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holders.



Bob Nelson
Lattice Semiconductor

Rick Muscha
Lattice Semiconductor

Introducing the Lattice Automate solution stack for the accelerated development of industrial automation applications. (Graphic: Business Wire)

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