

VicTrack Rides With Juniper Networks on Network Refresh Journey to Fuel Business Growth

发布时间:2021-05-20 10:00

Juniper-powered solutions enable VicTrack to build on its wide transportation network to provide leading communications solutions to customers across its target verticals

VICTORIA, Australia--()--Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that VicTrack, the state-owned enterprise that owns all railway and tram lines, networks and infrastructure in the state of Victoria, Australia, has selected Juniper Networks for the upgrade of its statewide network that supports mission-critical transport and government applications.

This upgrade will allow VicTrack to provide a safer and more efficient commuting experience across one of Australia’s most populous states, while simultaneously bolstering its networking infrastructure to support its business expansion plans to offer communication solutions for the enterprise market.

As an integral part of the thriving transport system in a state with a population of nearly seven million people, VicTrack provides a full range of telecommunications solutions for the Victorian Government and its transport partners in support of operational systems and business communications. The company additionally operates and manages an extensive telecommunication network along the rail corridor that includes nearly 3,000km of fibre.

To keep pace with Victoria’s growing population and the increasing demands of its Transport and Government Secure Network (TGSN), VicTrack has strengthened its partnership with Juniper to upgrade to a modern, agile and automated network infrastructure. By selectively replacing legacy components while maintaining the existing Juniper Networks® MX and ACX platforms, VicTrack will be able to seamlessly and cost-effectively digitise to meet the needs of its business.

The network refresh, which is expected to be completed by the end of next year, will position VicTrack to support the delivery of better transport and telecommunications solutions far into the future, across both public and enterprise applications.

News Highlights:

  • Designed for mission-critical enterprise networks, VicTrack has deployed MX Series Universal Routing Platforms, providing them with industry-leading system capacity, density, security and performance that paves the way for its business transformation.
  • The MX10003 has been deployed at the core, while the MX204 has been deployed as aggregation and internet gateway routers.
  • For the access layer, VicTrack has also simplified its network architecture and dramatically reduced CapEX and OpEx by eliminating network overlays, with Juniper’s ACX5000ACX2200ACX2100 and ACX500 Universal Metro Routers deployed across its network.
  • In addition, VicTrack has also engaged Juniper® Professional Services to help reduce implementation complexity and minimize disruption, all while migrating services onto its upgraded infrastructure.

Supporting Quotes:

“We are delighted to expand on our continued partnership with Juniper Networks. The ongoing upgrades will lead to improved network reliability and scalability, as well as simplified network management and operations. Through this network refresh, we are confident in growing VicTrack’s position as a leader in the transport and telecommunications sector, crucial to helping us drive future growth. Alongside Juniper, we remain committed toward providing our customers with leading transportation and communication offerings, experiences and solutions for time to come.”

Bruce Moore, Executive General Manager, VicTrack

“We are proud of our longstanding relationship with VicTrack and are honoured to have been selected to help realise the full potential of their expanded network. With a seamless refresh of their networking infrastructure, we are confident we can help VicTrack offer a solution that is simpler, yet more flexible and powerful to its customers. Our work with VicTrack is testament to Juniper’s commitment toward building networks that are at the forefront of modern and future innovation, all while delivering on our vision of experience-first networking.”

Bruce Bennie, VP & GM, ANZ, Juniper Networks

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About Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks challenges the inherent complexity that comes with networking and security in the multicloud era. We do this with products, solutions and services that transform the way people connect, work and live. We simplify the process of transitioning to a secure and automated multicloud environment to enable secure, AI-driven networks that connect the world. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.

Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.



Media Relations:
Satheeson Paramason
Juniper Networks
+65 6511 3595

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