

Smart Engages P.I. Works for Expanded Network Automation Solution

发布时间:2021-08-03 13:30

The Philippines’ leading wireless and digital services provider Smart engages P.I. Works to further enhance 3G, 4G and 5G automation capabilities

SINGAPORE--()--Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart), the wireless unit of the Philippines’ largest, fully integrated telecommunications company PLDT, has partnered with P.I. Works for a comprehensive strategy for its Self-Organizing Network (SON) Solution to automate its multi-vendor, multi-technology networks.

A self-organizing network (SON) is an automation technology designed to make the planning, configuration, performance management, coverage and quality optimization and healing of mobile radio access networks efficient, simpler and faster.

This automation is expected to significantly improve the performance management and service quality enhancements of the Smart wireless network, which will result in an improved experience for Smart customers across the country.

Under its Network Operations Transformation program, Smart started working with P.I. Works in 2018 through another entity, to enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies for the automation of various network management functions. In December 2020, Smart’s drive to exceed its own customer experience goals led to a formal engagement with P. I. Works, which involved new, hybrid, and geolocated and AI-based automation functionalities.

The new project will equip advanced capabilities to Smart’s nationwide 4G/LTE and 5G network, with prediction-based network optimization. With this new module, any congestion will be predicted and prevented before it affects the end-users, resulting in a seamless customer experience for Smart’s subscribers.

The deployment of this project has already begun and the initial results of the deployment have yielded positive results, including increase in download speeds. After completion of the deployment, P.I. Works projects that its solution will further benefit the Smart network, by saving operational efforts and perfecting the customer experience.

Another significant benefit of the P.I. Works self-organizing network (SON) solution, namely EXA, is its ability to detect cross-connected cable problems, should there be any, without network personnel having to physically visit site locations. This further helps Smart ensure the best customer experience and service quality, while significantly minimizing network management costs.

According to Radames Vittorio Zalameda, Vice President for Network Performance Management and Optimization at PLDT and Smart, “as the country’s leading wireless and digital services provider, our top priority is to provide the best customer experience for Filipinos. P.I. Works EXA has been an effective solution to achieve our network goals and we believe that this strategic partnership with P.I. Works will help empower us to deliver a better experience for our customers while keeping our costs in balance.”

Baar Akpnar, P.I. Works CEO & Co-founder, said, “We are proud to be awarded as the network automation partner of Smart. Our best-in-class automation solution EXA has been an important enabler of better customer experience and increased operational efficiency. Now with the added AI capabilities, we are confident that EXA will further empower Smart to deliver the best experience to their customers.”



Media, P.I. Works, Melih Murat, marketing@piworks.net

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