

Thales Named a Leader in Advanced Authentication for Identity Security by the IDC MarketScape

发布时间:2021-08-10 16:27

Thales commended for ability to leverage technology across multiple business units and deliver unique capabilities to large enterprises

PARIS LA DÉFENSE--()--Thales has been named a leader in advanced authentication for identity security in a new IDC MarketScape report. The report, “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Advanced Authentication for Identity Security 2021 Vendor Assessment” is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of organizations that offer advanced authentication security software across the globe based on revenue, technology, endpoints and surveyed customers using these technologies in 2020.

IDC recognized Thales for its ability to offer a range of products spanning the digital and physical worlds using three business units to address workforce, B2C, and B2G opportunities. In addition, the IDC MarketScape highlighted Thales’ capacity to deliver unique capabilities to large enterprises as well as its ability to support every form of authentication technology available in the market.

Thales’ SafeNet Trusted Access simplifies user access to cloud services, streamlines authentication and access management and helps eliminate password hassles for enterprises and end-users.

"Helping restore order from chaos, multifactor identity solutions are available in the form of the simple to the extremely complex," said Jay Bretzmann, program director, Cybersecurity research, IDC. "The challenge users face is buying enough capability now without eliminating a route to a truly passwordless future complementing a zero trust networking environment. Thales is a good choice when your organization needs to support a broad range of authentication devices including advanced biometrics and increasingly sophisticated AI-driven and contextual user insights.”

“With new work habits and increased needs to address multiple authentication journeys for all types of users, large enterprises are finally realising that one-size fit all options to authentication are coming short. By combining various modern user authentication options as part of its comprehensive access management offer, Thales is making it easier for organisations to expand authentication coverage tailored to the need,” said Francois Lasnier, Vice President of Access Management Solutions at Thales. “It’s hugely rewarding to be recognised by IDC as a leader in advanced authentication for identity security. This recognition exemplifies Thales’ strong offering within the market and our continued commitment to meeting our customers’ ever more complex access security needs.”

Thales was positioned in the Leaders category based on the broad range of products spanning the physical and digital space, across its Digital Identity and Security Division. Spanning the business units Cloud Protection, Licensing and Banking and Payment Services.

Download an excerpt of the report, IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Advanced Authentication for Identity Security 2021 Vendor Assessment.

About IDC MarketScape:

IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global leader in advanced technologies, investing in digital and “deep tech” innovations – connectivity, big data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and quantum computing – to build a confident future crucial for the development of our societies. The Group provides its customers – businesses, organisations and governments – in the defense, aeronautics, space, transport, and digital identity and security domains with solutions, services and products that help them fulfil their critical role, consideration for the individual being the driving force behind all decisions.

Thales has 81,000 employees in 68 countries. In 2020 the Group generated sales of €17 billion.

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Thales, Media Relations
Constance Arnoux
+33 (0)6 44 12 16 35


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