

GWI Revolutionizes Market Research With Brand-new Platform, Democratizing Access to Impactful Audience Insights

发布时间:2021-09-09 12:53

The new platform powers market research that enables every business to know its audience

LONDON--()--GWI, the leading target audience insight company, today launches its brand-new platform that challenges the status quo in market research. The multi-million dollar investment into the new platform provides access to transformational insights, in a meaningful and visual way. Arming employees with one, consistent in-depth view of their global or local audience, the new capabilities power strategic decisions and enable deep understanding of diverse and evolving audiences.

The new platform makes it easy to be an expert on your audience with smart tools that make it simple to explore available datasets. Users are now able to rapidly access deep insights, answering the questions that matter most to make key business decisions based on facts they can trust. It aids businesses to be truly data-driven by putting accessible insights and bespoke dashboards into the hands of everyone across the organization - from decision makers in the C-suite to data analysts, researchers and marketers.

Tom Smith, CEO and Founder at GWI comments, “The new platform enables a new dawn for the future of marketing research, ensuring it is suited for today's environment which consists of rapid change of pace for business and consumers. Our data shows that 72%* of professionals globally agree that being able to adapt quickly is critical to their company’s long term success. Yet, the traditional market research industry has utterly failed the needs of its customers in today's global marketplace - a world where almost 5 billion people are permanently connected online. Uncovering really transformative insight isn’t easy, nor is it always ‘on time’. Traditional research often takes several months, and can be delayed throughout the process. Despite heavy investment, the insights can therefore quickly become outdated, whilst putting market research out of reach for nearly every single organisation.

“With our new platform combined with our tried and tested methodology, you can secure insights and answers in an instant versus a drawn out process, at a fraction of the traditional market research cost. At the same time, you can ensure organizational alignment, meaning everyone is working from a single source of truth - to tell the same story, inform the decisions that matter and deliver impactful results.”

The intuitive new platform provides access to the world’s largest harmonized ongoing study on digital consumers, representing 2 billion people globally. Users of the flagship survey, GWI Core, alone can gather insights from over 40,000 data points, from over 800,000 interviews. The new platform will foster smarter business decisions and outcomes using hyper-targeted insights into any consumer group, in local and global markets.

To learn more about the new platform including new features and capabilities or to book a demo please visit here.


About GWI

GWI is the leading supplier of target audience insight to the global marketing industry.

Trusted by the world’s biggest brands, media organizations, and agencies on a daily basis to get closer to their audiences, the company’s flagship survey represents over 2 billion people globally. Using the subscription-based platform, clients like Twitter, Google, Spotify, WPP, IPG, and Omnicom Group gather in-depth insights into behaviors, attitudes, and interests in seconds through a combination of survey data and analytics.

Among a range of leading data products available alongside its flagship survey are:

  • GWI USA is a deep dive into the habits, behaviors and attitudes of 240m internet users in the USA.
  • GWI Gaming delves into the actions and attitudes of gamers across 15 markets.
  • GWI Sports investigates sports fandom and participation across 15 markets.
  • GWI Kids gets to the heart of how kids actually think, so you can be sure to kid-proof your ideas and concepts from here on.
  • GWI Work gives a detailed view of the lives of business professionals across 10 markets.
  • GWI Zeitgeist, included with our core survey, is fielded monthly and zeroes in on the stuff that matters. It’s topical, timely, and relevant.

Those looking for even more bespoke research solutions can enrich GWI data with a range of services like hyper-targeted custom surveys, brand trackers, and recontact studies.


Media contact:
Liam Rawson
Hotwire Global

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