

BearingPoint Benchmark Analysis: Can You Perform Under Pressure? Only by Weaving Five Characteristics Together Can an Organization Become Resilient and Be Ready for the Next Crisis

发布时间:2021-10-12 15:11

BearingPoint’s new benchmark analysis finds that organizations thrive in volatile environments when five key characteristics are aligned. The consultancy has developed a tool to assess any organization’s resilience maturity.

AMSTERDAM--()--According to a new benchmark analysis by management and technology consultancy BearingPoint, when five fundamental areas are aligned, companies and public organizations thrive when faced with change, disruption and extreme events – they become resilient.

BearingPoint analyzed over 5,000 client projects, built a model based on qualitative questionnaires, and calibrated resilience based on five observed characteristics - best-practice organizations (1.) know their customers’ ecosystems, (2.) empower their people for change, (3.) turn data centricity into a competitive advantage, (4.) use technology to improve agility and (5.) simplify their governance for fast decisions.

Matthias Loebich, Global Leader Markets and Networks at BearingPoint, says: “This benchmark analysis was one of the most resource-intense at BearingPoint. We analyzed thousands of client projects to determine that five characteristics, when aligned, set successful companies apart, and that’s when the magic starts. I want to stress that all five characteristics must be present and weaved together for an organization to be resilient. Similar to a cable, a company’s strength is when the strands are woven together. Or, to use another picture: if you don’t wire the five characteristics together the plug simply does not work and the device won’t turn on.”

The study examines each of the five characteristics in detail: (1.) know their customers’ ecosystems, for example, includes aligning customer strategy and operational execution because a resilient organization has a 360-view of the customer at the heart of its value proposition. The study walks the reader through each of the five characteristics and uses case studies to illustrate what represents a best practice. Most significant for BearingPoint, it can work with clients and enable them to become resilient by aligning the five characteristics.

Damien Palacci, Global Leader Consulting Portfolio at BearingPoint, comments: “We see the critical differentiator as the ability to quickly adapt and change tack in the game. To make swift, calculated decisions under pressure, to demonstrate excellent processes and systems responding to the scoreboard and the clock. But ultimately, it will be people who deliver the win.”

The study is available for download at https://www.bearingpoint.com/en/our-success/insights/resilience/.

BearingPoint says companies and public organizations are welcome to test their resiliency with BearingPoint’s benchmark analysis.

About BearingPoint

BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consultancy with European roots and a global reach. The company operates in three business units: The first unit covers the advisory business with a clear focus on five key areas to drive growth across all regions. The second unit provides IP-driven managed services beyond SaaS and offers business critical services to its clients supporting their business success. The third unit provides the software for successful digital transformation and regulatory requirements. It is also designed to explore innovative business models with clients and partners by driving the financing and development of start-ups and leveraging ecosystems.

BearingPoint’s clients include many of the world’s leading companies and organizations. The firm has a global consulting network with more than 10,000 people and supports clients in over 70 countries, engaging with them to achieve measurable and sustainable success.

For more information, please visit:

Homepage: www.bearingpoint.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/bearingpoint
Twitter: @BearingPoint


Alexander Bock
Global Manager Communications
Telephone: +49 89 540338029
Email: alexander.bock@bearingpoint.com

BearingPoint benchmark analysis: The five characteristics of a resilient organization. (Photo: Business Wire)

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