

Standard Digital Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Key Facts about Conversion Tracking

发布时间:2021-10-22 13:15

Are you struggling with the result of your past digital marketing campaigns?

SINGAPORE--()--Standard Digital is here with you on Social Media Marketing Tips! In Hong Kong, digital marketing campaigns and advertising spending make up 42% of Hong Kong advertiser budgets in 2021. To evaluate paid media campaigns, conversion tracking is a way to monitor the effectiveness of an ad campaign, it helps you to analyse customers’ behavioural data.

Sounds great? Slow down. Here are the 3 key facts that you must know before start tracking your conversion of digital marketing campaigns online!

1. Revisiting Your Goals(Find your KPI) | 檢視您的目標

Singapore has seen a shift towards digital marketing, proven by its total digital as sped at USD $710 million in 2019. What is the goal in your mind before you design an ad campaign? Promote a new service or product of yours or gain exposure in the increasingly competitive market?

It is time to come up with a defined, established and quantifiable objective. We, Standard Digital, believed that learning from competitors and acquiring predictive trends from industry news help with brainstorming as well.

In this case, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are commonly adopted to measure the performance of the campaign which can be used to demonstrate how well your objectives are achieved after a digital marketing campaign. Impressions, clicks, and bounce rates are some effective KPIs you may want to consider.

2. Digital Marketing Channels | 市場行銷渠道

Perform AB testing among channels and make varied attempts with your marketing materials until a combination with the best performance is yielded. With the most updated digital marketing channels, Standard Digital is here for you to create social media marketing optimization for your brand with the best quality content creation.

Here are several types of online marketing channels that you may consider.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Google Advertising like keywords display, re-marketing, pay per click platforms etc.
  • Content Creation/Marketing & Paid Media Campaigns of Social Media Marketing e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
  • Influencer/Key Opinion Leader Marketing

3. Analyze Conversion Data | 收集與分析轉換數據

Although the funnel should drive all your customers to your desired actions, in reality, only some can make it to the bottom of the funnel. By studying the data, you should be able to come up with answers to the following questions.

  • What behaviours lead to conversion?
  • Which channel drives the highest conversion(google advertising /or paid media campaign)?

4. Refine digital marketing campaign | 網路行銷成效和調整

After you have analysed the conversion data, it’s time to improve the digital marketing campaign. You may come across some issues while you are going through your findings, such as

  • Is the page design made it difficult for users to visit?
  • Targeting the wrong group so no one seems super excited about your campaign/website?
  • Problem with the A/B testing results?

Great! How should I get started?

Conversion tracking tools for digital marketing campaigns offered by Google, such as Google Analytics and Google Adwords are the most popular and free analytics software suitable for any type of business. They equip you with in-depth detail about your customer’s behavioural data after google advertising and streamline your analysis.

Choosing an agency to help you shape a successful strategy is a big decision. Here at Standard Digital(Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan), we want to make it an easy one! For more questions regarding our services, click here.


Elaine Chua
PR Manager
+65 31386988
111 Northbridge Road, #08-18, Penisula Plaza, Singapore

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