

Standard Digital Group Is Now Accepting Online Marketing Enquiries via Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

发布时间:2021-12-06 09:24

If you are a Singapore Small and medium enterprise (SME) and looking to expand your business overseas, you may apply for the Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant, awarded by Enterprise Singapore.

SINGAPORE--()--Standard Digital is a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency in Animation & Video ProductionDigital Marketing and Online Solutions. We provide your brand with integrated and KPI-oriented digital marketing solutions with the aid of Artificial Intelligence technology. We can help you to achieve your goals!

Here are our services:

With digital experts in various fields, Standard Digital is dedicated to working with you in embarking on your marketing strategies. We work together as a collaborative team to drive results with onward approaches, the latest technologies and creative techniques.

The MRA grant will cover up to 80% of eligible costs, capped at S$100,000 per company per new market* until 31 March 2022. After which, it will revert to a 70% support level till 31 March 2023.

The total ceiling support of S$100,000 is divided across the three MRA pillars as follows:

  • Overseas market promotion (capped at S$20,000)
  • Overseas business development (capped at S$50,000)
  • Overseas market set-up (capped at S$30,000)

What is needed from you?

  • Details of website including URL and web content uploaded
  • Web analytics report
  • Invoices/ receipts/ bank statements for payment made to third-party vendor as proof of payment for the costs incurred

Am I eligible?

You are qualify if you are a:

  • Global HQ in Singapore
  • SMEs with annual turnover of less than S$100 million per annum based on the most recent audited report

Where to apply?

  • Download the form from http://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Market-Readiness-Assistance/Financial-Assistance/Market-Readiness-Assistance-Grant
  • Please note that retrospective applications will not be accepted. An application is deemed as retrospective if any of the following occurred prior to receiving approval from IE Singapore. Applicant has:
    • Made a payment including initial deposit to the partner; or
    • Signed the contractual agreement/rental agreement/purchase order with the partner or;
    • Commenced the project with the partner
    • Please apply and obtain approval before the appointment of consultants or commencement of projects.

Get Your Offer with Standard Digital Today!

*A new market refers to a target overseas country whereby the applicant has not exceeded S$100,000 in overseas sales in each of the last three preceding years.

** The above grant information is for reference only and maybe updated from time to time without advance notice. For details, please refer to https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/financial-assistance/grants/for-local-companies/market-readiness-assistance-grant


Steffi Wong
(Asian Time)
+65 3138 6096

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