

Arthur D. Little Publishes Special 135th Anniversary Edition of PRISM Magazine

发布时间:2021-12-20 09:04


Arthur D. Little (ADL) has published Who Says It Can’t Be Done? – the latest edition of its innovation magazine PRISM. As well as celebrating the company’s 135-year history, this special edition looks ahead to both the future of business and the consulting industry itself.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211217005298/en/

The magazine features five key articles:

  • Rebalancing For Tomorrow – The ability to help clients anticipate the future, embrace new opportunities, and transform their operations has always been a central part of ADL’s consulting philosophy. This article looks at the challenges that business faces today, identifies important priorities for the future, and reflects on how companies can get ready to meet them.
  • Why Consultancy Matters: A Historical Perspective – What is the exact nature of management consultancy’s value? Does consulting merely provide a similar service to that of the accountancy or legal professions, or does it provide a different type of value? This article explores how management consultancy has helped to shape the world we live in today as illustrated by the history of ADL.
  • The Future Of Consultancy – In today’s volatile environment, companies are looking for more than just me-too solutions to remain competitive. The consulting industry needs to reconfigure its approach and reject obsolete legacy models if it is to stay relevant to modern business. This article looks at some of the ways in which consulting must change in order to create real value for its clients.
  • Inventors, Innovators, Pathfinders – Since the days of Arthur Dehon Little himself, ADL has been driven by hugely talented individuals, all pathfinders in their own right. This article celebrates some of the extraordinary people who have both led ADL and pioneered its unique approach to consultancy, inventing new solutions and breaking down barriers along the way.
  • Who Says It Can’t Be Done? – It was only after a management buyout (MBO) on 30 December 2011 that ADL was truly reborn as a successful partnership with a rapidly expanding business. In this interview with Ignacio Garcia-Alves, who led the MBO and has been ADL’s Chief Executive Officer ever since, he shares his insights on how the company was transformed and the lessons learned over the past ten years.

Ignacio García Alves, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little, comments: “PRISM always offers the best in thought-leading insight and commentary on the key topics of the day, and this edition is no exception – but with ADL hitting the milestone of 135 years of constant innovation, we couldn’t resist also looking back on what’s made it such a unique and pioneering company.”

This latest edition of PRISM can be viewed here: https://tinyurl.com/9hyefpch

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211217005298/en/


Further information from: Cate Bonthuys
Catalyst Comms
+44 7746 546773

Arthur D. Little Prism Magazine (Photo: Business Wire)

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