

Leading Real Estate Management Software Company, Property Raptor, Partners with Chestertons to Accelerate the Growth of Its Global Franchise Model

发布时间:2022-01-07 09:22


Property Raptor, an AI-driven, state-of-the-art real estate software company, is proud to announce the commencement of its partnership with Chestertons Global Franchise Holdings to empower the expansion of the Chestertons franchise network.

Founded in 1805, Chestertons is one of the world’s oldest and most trusted real estate services firms. Headquartered in London, Chestertons franchising network comprises over 100 offices across the UK, Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, employing more than a thousand experienced real estate professionals around the world.

Chestertons has always understood the importance of adopting the best technology in the market. Incorporating Property Raptor as its centralized, core platform for global franchise operations will transform Chestertons’ global franchise business, allowing the growth of its network to accelerate in 2022.

As a result of this partnership, Chestertons Global will soon be equipped with robust tools and features, such as lead management, opportunities modules, and AI property-client matching, which will lead to improved productivity, increased conversion rates, and the automation of time-consuming tasks.

“Agents are saved from having to waste hours and hours stuck at the start of the sales funnel, or finding out-of-date information on clients and properties from siloed systems,” states Justin Lau, CEO of Property Raptor. “This cloud-based tool solves all the key industry pain points across productivity, compliance, client marketing, and inventory management, while guaranteeing a seamless and satisfying user journey for agents and buyers.”

The initial phase of the partnership focuses on the launch of the new website and the rollout of the core CRM platform for Chestertons’ Global New Homes and Private Office divisions.

Gavin Vercoe, Chief Operating Officer International at Chestertons Global, comments, “Chestertons has always invested in the latest and greatest technology in order to best support our partners. Partnering with Property Raptor was a no brainer for us, with their market leading technology in place, our franchisees will have cutting-edge technology at their fingertips.

“By implementing Property Raptor into our core platform, we will be able to offer our partners instant access to a huge amount of crucial information allowing them to speed up the sales process, increase productivity, facilitate quicker referrals and instantly access high quality buyers in key markets.

“With Property Raptor in place, we are confident that Chestertons Franchising will continue to grow and flourish as we move further into 2022.”

The scalable data architecture of Property Raptor will enable Chestertons Global to expand its franchise network and penetrate new markets at speed. Together with the dynamic AI-based matching algorithms, the platform provides a much wider range of high-conversion rate search listings, matching results and recommendations of listings to clients, and vice versa. In addition, to facilitate collaboration among international offices, Property listings within Chestertons’ Property Raptor account are connected and accessible worldwide, with real-time updates to ensure information transparency and accountability.

Property Raptor has been carefully designed, expertly architected, and built with powerful technology, yet the system interface is user-friendly, accessible and configurable to the unique characteristics of each market. The needs of real estate agents vary widely, from data compliance to legal structures and even industry terminology, and Property Raptor has been built with this in mind. Due to these reasons, the Property Raptor team is confident in their product’s ability to boost the Chestertons real estate network as the firm goes through its next phase of transformation and expansion.

About Property Raptor

Launched in 2019, Property Raptor is the leading Hong Kong-based, PropTech company aiming to disrupt the traditional solutions with its reliability, convenience and cost effectiveness. Backed by Integrated Management Systems (IMS), it is the ideal real estate management solution for every smart real estate organization today. Designed with scalability in mind, Property Raptor delivers a flexible solution for agents, agencies, and property managers, in a secure and trusted environment that is packed with premium productivity tools, to engage prospects, automate sales, and ultimately close more deals.

Visit website: https://www.propertyraptor.com/

Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/property-raptor/

About Integrated Management Systems (IMS)

Integrated Management Systems (IMS) is Asia’s leading Digital Transformation Agency, offering technological solutions for data-driven strategies that transform businesses. IMS helps clients build, manage, monitor, and analyze an integrated, cross-channel platform to provide a seamless customer experience, maximizing ROI and market potential. Services span marketing automation & CRM, blockchain & AI, digital transformation, data analytics, and omnichannel marketing strategies and execution.

Visit website: https://www.imanagesystems.com/

Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/integrated-management-systems-ims-hk-ltd

About Chestertons

The Chestertons network comprises over 100 offices across the UK, Europe, North America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, employing more than a thousand experienced real estate professionals, combining local expertise with a global mindset.

A heritage brand, Chestertons was originally founded in 1805 and today offers its franchise partners and agents unrivalled operational, marketing, recruitment, educational and business development resources. The franchise system is comprised of a partner network, where each territory is independently owned and operated.

For more information on franchising opportunities at Chestertons, please visit https://www.chestertons.com/franchising

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220106005440/en/


For more information, please contact Justin Lau at justin@propertyraptor.com

For press information, please contact David Russell at Globalmarketing@chestertons.com or direct:
+44 (0) 20 3040 836

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