

smartTrade Reports a Year of Strong Growth, Expects Business to Soar in 2022

发布时间:2022-01-26 09:26

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France--()--smartTrade Technologies, a leading provider of end-to-end multi-asset electronic trading solutions headquartered in Aix-en-Provence, France, has reported yet another year of success. 2021 saw the enhancement of a number of its core products and was capped by the acquisition in November of Toronto-based TickTrade Systems.

Heralding a new era of M&A activities for smartTrade, the acquisition brought together two complementary technology providers whilst expanding the group presence in North America.

The enlarged group share a joint commitment to innovation heralded by its AI driven analytics offering and crypto currencies trading capabilities.

Throughout 2021 smartTrade continued its relentless focus on R&D, delivering support for new asset classes such as FX options, money markets and precious metals. smartTrade’s flagship product LiquidityFX now supports an ever-growing number of customer needs, enabling access to hundreds of Algos and offering advanced OMS capability. In addition to creating a new DataAPI to support its customers’ own data endeavors, smartTrade capitalized on its AI expertise in 2021 to release a comprehensive Analytics solution fit for traders, sales traders and heads of business.

smartTrade continued to increase its global market share throughout 2021, further strengthening its senior management team. The company’s remote implementation and support capabilities, coupled with the proven resilience of its technology, enabled it to continue to offer an outstanding level of service to its customers despite continued restrictions on global travel and face-to-face meetings.

smartTrade achieved market recognition in 2021 in the form of industry awards for Best FX Aggregator, Best Managed Services Solution, Most Innovative Use of Open Source/Cloud Technology and Best FX Trading Solution.

David Vincent, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder at smartTrade Group, said, “The acquisition of TickTrade opened a new chapter of expansion for smartTrade. Joining forces brings new talent to the company and enables us to expand not only our product offering but also our geographical coverage. We are proud of what we achieved through innovation in 2021 and we look forward to building on this in 2022 to offer an even better service to existing and new clients across the globe.”

About smartTrade Technologies:

smartTrade Technologies is a leading global provider of multi-asset electronic trading platforms, helping customers achieve business growth through our cost-efficient, technologically advanced secure private SaaS end-to-end solution.

smartTrade in-house hosted solutions support Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, Crypto and Derivatives asset classes with connectivity to 130+ liquidity providers, enabling tailored aggregation, smart execution, risk management, order management, analytics, payments and multi-channel distribution.

smartTrade supports a variety of regulated and un-regulated Financial Institutions.

To learn more, visit www.smart-trade.net.


Lara Michel – COS smartTrade Technologies – lmichel@smart-trade.net

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