

KLDiscovery Launches Nebula Enterprise Server-Rack Appliance

发布时间:2022-01-28 09:41


KLDiscovery Inc. (“KLDiscovery”, “KLD” or the “Company”), a leading provider of global electronic discovery, information governance and data recovery technology solutions, announced that it is launching a new Nebula Enterprise product line to accommodate its clients’ and partners’ geographic and data control needs.

Nebula Enterprise brings the power, flexibility, and enhanced feature set of Nebula® to customers’ data centers in a plug-and-play expandable appliance designed to address a myriad of security and compliance considerations. Nebula Enterprise models are available in a wide range of capacities, addressing a wide range of use cases. For example, five terabyte units are ideal for corporations or law firms seeking a small scale, low maintenance, in-house eDiscovery capability, while capacities up to 100 terabytes can make up a large eDiscovery vendor’s entire technology stack.

“Widespread public cloud adoption among eDiscovery software providers has effectively limited the choices available to customers who have unique geographic, security, or other business constraints. Meanwhile, many eDiscovery software providers have made architectural decisions that effectively lock them and their customers into the public cloud,” said Christopher Weiler, CEO of KLDiscovery Inc. “We believe the market is best served by maximizing flexibility in deployment models for our clients and partners. With Nebula Enterprise, we have chosen to serve those with unique requirements with the same high-performance, cutting-edge, eDiscovery platform available in the cloud, packaged as a high-availability, self-healing appliance.”

About KLDiscovery

KLDiscovery provides technology solutions to help law firms, corporations and consumers solve complex data challenges. The company has 32 locations, 9 data centers and 17 data recovery labs across 19 countries and is a global leader in delivering best-in-class eDiscovery, information governance and data recovery solutions to support the litigation, regulatory compliance, internal investigation and data recovery and management needs of our clients. Serving clients for over 30 years, KLDiscovery offers data collection and forensic investigation, early case assessment, electronic discovery and data processing, application software and data hosting for web-based document reviews, and managed document review services. In addition, through its global Ontrack Data Recovery business, KLDiscovery delivers world-class data recovery, email extraction and restoration, data destruction and tape management. KLDiscovery has been recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in North America by both Inc. Magazine (Inc. 5000) and Deloitte (Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500) and CEO Chris Weiler was recognized as a 2014 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year™. Additionally, KLDiscovery is a Relativity Certified Partner and maintains ISO/IEC 27001 Certified data centers around the world. For more information, please email info@kldiscovery.com or visit www.kldiscovery.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220126006136/en/


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