

Merged Finsbury Glover Hering and Sard Verbinnen Rank #1 Globally in 2021 M&A Deal Count and Value

发布时间:2022-02-07 09:44

NEW YORK--()--Finsbury Glover Hering and Sard Verbinnen & Co. (“FGH and SVC” or the “Company”), which recently combined to create the world’s leading strategic communications firm, announced today that based on data collected and tabulated by Mergermarket, a leading independent provider of M&A data and intelligence, the combined firm ranks #1 in both Global M&A Deal Count and Global Deal Value for 2021.

According to Mergermarket’s 2021 PR Advisors database, FGH and SVC completed 321 transactions globally with a total transaction value of approximately $560 billion in 20211. FGH and SVC were leaders in a wide variety of transactions – from cross border mergers to spin-offs, SPACs and take-privates – ranging in value from $100 million to over $20 billion.

Alex Geiser, Global CEO, said: “Our standing as the global leader in M&A demonstrates the enormous value that the combined company brings to bear for our clients – and is a fantastic achievement for our colleagues across our offices. We are proud of our ability to serve our clients on transformational deals across the world’s major markets and look forward to achieving even more for them as the world’s leading strategic communications firm.”

SVC Co-Founders George Sard and Paul Verbinnen added: “Since we founded SVC nearly 30 years ago, M&A has always been a mainstay of our company. With M&A at our core, we have continued to innovate and expand our capabilities to set the standard of best practices in strategic communications across all mission-critical moments for our clients. Together with FGH, we are excited to bring an even stronger global platform, unique insights, perspectives and expertise to support our clients around the world.”

Finsbury Glover Hering and Sard Verbinnen & Co. completed their merger in December 2021 and plan to launch with a new name and brand later this quarter.

The Company is a leader in all aspects of strategic communications, including government affairs, corporate reputation, crisis management and transformation and change, as well as the leading force in financial communications worldwide, with over 1,000 communications professionals. The Company serves its global client base from 25 offices worldwide, including in Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Brussels, Chicago, Dubai, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Munich, New York, Paris, Riyadh, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore, South Florida, Tokyo, Washington D.C. and Zurich.

For more information visit www.fgh.com and www.sardverb.com.

1 The data and rankings were obtained from Mergermarket’s online database as of January 31, 2022.


Dorothy Burwell
+44 7733 294 930

Anna Cordasco / Devin Broda
Cordasco@sardverb.com / dbroda@sardverb.com
+1 212 687 8080

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