

Sagemcom Becomes a "Mission-Driven Company"

发布时间:2022-02-10 09:20

RUEIL-MALMAISON, France--()--Sagemcom has taken another step towards strengthening its commitment to social and environmental responsibility by including the grade of a “mission-driven company” in its articles.

At the beginning of 2022, Sagemcom became a “mission-driven company” under the terms of the French PACTE law, which allows companies to include their social and environmental commitments in their articles of association.

This official status is an expression of the long-standing commitments and actions of Sagemcom, an industrial group with an EcoVadis “Platinium” rating, that specialises in the design and supply of solutions addressing the broadband internet, entertainment and energy markets.

In agreement with its shareholders, Sagemcom’s management committee has decided to amend the Group’s articles of association with a “corporate purpose”, in relation to its social and environmental mission, that rests on five pillars:

  • Supporting action in favour of the environment by taking account of the impact of our activities on local ecosystems
  • Enhancing innovation in our eco-design processes
  • Pursuing a procurement policy based on five fundamental principles: quality, competitive performance, lead times, innovation, and social and environmental ethics
  • Promoting a working environment that helps to protect the health and safety of our employees and contractors, and improves their quality of life at work
  • Helping our employees to achieve their aspirations and to pursue their professional development throughout their careers in the Group by sharing our values that consist of valuing and encouraging every aspect of diversity.

This initiative anchors Sagemcom’s social and environmental responsibility in its DNA, with the goal of making even stronger commitments, both in its products and solutions, and in its relations with all its stakeholders.

“Every year, we ship millions of products all over the world that will be used for several years, or even several decades. These products are designed and built by our 6,500 employees, and we work with hundreds of partners across the five continents. This entails significant social and environmental responsibilities, of which we have been addressing for many years, and for which we have already taken a multitude of concrete actions. For us, this new status is an opportunity to set our commitments in stone, but also to organise ourselves, so that we can take this mission further, with our customers, our partners and all our stakeholders,” concludes Group President, Patrick Sévian.

The Sagemcom Group, 30% of which is owned by its employees, generates more than €2.2 billion of revenue, is the world leader in its markets, has been growing continuously and profitable since 2016.

Sagemcom’s corporate purpose: “Thanks to the innovative solutions designed and built by our teams, we enable the greatest number all over the world to access broadband Internet and entertainment, and to control their energy consumption. This is our corporate purpose. Our mission is to make sure that the design, supply and use of these solutions are sustainable, and fulfil the environmental and societal commitments that are known and shared by all our employees, partners and stakeholders. Our goal is to contribute to a more responsible world, by achieving the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.”

About Sagemcom

Sagemcom is a French industrial group, and the world leader in communicating terminals and solutions for the broadband, Audio and Video solutions and energy markets (electricity, gas and water). Every year, Sagemcom designs, manufactures and supplies several million terminals the world over, using its own factories and industrial partners on all continents. The team of 6,500 employees work in more than 50 countries. Sagemcom has been profitable since it was founded in 2008 and 30% of its capital is owned by its employees.
In LBO since its 2008 carve-out with Safran, the Group entered its fourth LBO in 2019, with Charterhouse as the majority shareholder. The Group is led by a stable management team, the majority of whom have been running Sagemcom since 2008.
www.sagemcom.com // https://www.linkedin.com/company/sagemcom // www.facebook.com/SagemcomOfficial // https://twitter.com/Sagemcom // https://www.instagram.com/sagemcom_inside


Media Contact
Sylvaine Couleur (presse@sagemcom.com)

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