

Nipa Cloud Selects Juniper Networks to Help Accelerate Digital Transformation Across Thailand’s Enterprises

发布时间:2022-02-21 11:03

The latest network infrastructure upgrades will further enable Thailand’s push into the digital economy, in line with government ‘Thailand 4.0’ policy and its ‘fourth industrial revolution’

BANGKOK--()--Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that Nipa Cloud (Nipa), a leading cloud services provider in Thailand, has selected Juniper Networks to strengthen its existing network infrastructure in support of Nipa’s growth momentum, and in anticipation of further growing demand for endpoint flexibility amidst Thailand’s rapidly transforming digital economy.

As Thailand’s first full-service OpenStack public cloud services provider powered by Tungsten Fabric, Nipa is committed to offering technologically advanced cloud solutions that match up competitively to the solutions from global providers while simultaneously creating unique value add for the localized market through greater flexibility, multiple availability zones (AZ), modularity and local understanding as a homegrown provider.

With this ‘glocalized’ approach, Nipa’s award-winning cloud solutions have rapidly gained market share amidst stiff competition, especially as Thailand’s economy builds out a strong IT infrastructure to support sustained growth into the digital era as per the government’s ‘Thailand 4.0’ policies and its fourth industrial revolution.

This push has seen even further recent impetus, with the ongoing post-pandemic recovery spurring Thai businesses to increasingly prioritize innovation and investment toward cloud spending. Outpacing global forecasts, Thailand’s spending on cloud infrastructure is projected to grow 28.2% in 2022 alone, with infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) expected to see the highest growth figures as Thai enterprises scale up infrastructure and migrate complex workloads to the cloud to better enable a remote work culture.

In light of its strong growth momentum and this increasing demand for cloud services across Thailand’s enterprises, Nipa has deployed EVPN-VXLAN solutions from Juniper Networks, including the QFX5120 Series Switches and MX10003/MX204 Series Universal Routing Platforms, to upgrade its campus and data center networks and better differentiate its offerings.

These upgrades allow Nipa to now deploy a common set of policies and services across campuses with support for Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPNs. In addition, Nipa is now able to better deliver enhanced throughput, scalability, capacity, performance and security – enabling Nipa to continue development of its ground-up cloud solutions, uniquely built for Thailand’s fast- developing enterprises and its rapidly transforming digital ecosystem.

Supporting Quotes:

“Thailand is amid a massive digital transformation, with consumers and enterprises alike accelerating their transition to the cloud. As our nation drives toward Thailand 4.0, it is key that infrastructure providers like Nipa Cloud adapt and transform to stay ahead of the pack. Through our partnership with Juniper Networks, we can introduce new infrastructure-as-a-service capabilities with multiple locations and lower cost of cloud. This will offer our customers and partners access to agile, cost-effective and secure services that will help drive sustainable growth in Thailand’s digital economy.”

Dr. Abhisak Chulya, Founder and CEO, Nipa Cloud

“We are delighted to partner with Nipa Cloud to support their vision toward enabling Thailand 4.0 through the digital transformation of the country’s enterprises. Nipa Cloud plays a key role in driving the nation’s technological growth and through Juniper’s experience-first networking approach, we are committed to helping them deliver world-class cloud solutions to its end customers. All of which are crucial in bringing digitally-accelerated post-pandemic recovery and in ensuring Thailand’s continued economic growth.”

Perry Sui, Senior Director, ASEAN & Taiwan, Juniper Networks

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Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.

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Media Relations:
Kenneth Chew / Satheeson Paramason
Juniper Networks
+65 6511 3529 / +65 6511 3595
kchew@juniper.net / satheeson@juniper.net

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