

Jetcraft Commercial Acquires Fourteen Bombardier CRJ1000 Aircraft from HOP!

发布时间:2022-03-08 18:57


Jetcraft Commercial Limited, the commercial aircraft division of global aircraft trading firm Jetcraft, has acquired 14 Bombardier CRJ1000 airliners from HOP!, the regional arm of Air France.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220304005185/en/

Jetcraft Commercial will begin taking delivery of the jets between March and December 2022.

Raphaël Haddad, President of Jetcraft Commercial, says: “This is a significant acquisition for Jetcraft Commercial and I’m proud that three of these aircraft are ready to be placed. There is high demand for the remaining jets, emphasising the need within commercial aviation for aircraft capable of regional missions.”

Jetcraft Commercial launched in 2015, capitalizing on Jetcraft’s existing international presence and experience to offer clients an agile partner within the commercial aircraft sales and leasing community. With a diverse inventory, featuring aircraft from Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, De Havilland Canada, Embraer and others, Jetcraft Commercial has a proven record of procuring and placing commercial aircraft worldwide.

To view all listings please visit: jetcraft.com/inventory/commercial/


About Jetcraft Commercial

Jetcraft Commercial is the commercial aircraft division of global aviation trading firm Jetcraft, supporting airlines and operators in the fields of buying, selling, leasing, marketing and financing their aircraft. With a strong network and team of sales and marketing executives in every major market across the world, Jetcraft Commercial is a nimble and dedicated partner within the commercial aircraft sales and leasing community and is able to offer the value, choice and flexibility that the world’s best companies demand.

For more information, please visit www.jetcraft.com/inventory/commercial

About Jetcraft

Jetcraft is the leader in international aircraft sales, marketing and ownership strategies, managing and maintaining over 20 regional offices globally. The company’s unparalleled success over 60 years in business aviation has earned it a world-class reputation, along with an exceptional customer base, a wide network of connections and one of the largest inventories within the industry.

For more information, please visit www.jetcraft.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220304005185/en/


8020 Communications  
Amber George  
Telephone: +44 (0)1483 447380 

Image of Bombardier CRJ1000 aircraft (Photo: Business Wire)

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