

smartTrade Is Accelerating Innovation in Electronic Trading

发布时间:2022-04-21 20:00


smartTrade Technologies has today announced that, four months after its acquisition of Toronto-based TickTrade Systems, the companies are now working together as one unified group. Operating under the smartTrade name, the combined company delivers industry-leading FX trading technologies to a global client base across Europe, North America and Asia.

For the past four months, smartTrade’s 280+ eFX experts across the globe have pooled their collective knowledge to re-invent electronic trading to meet today’s new market structure challenges whilst anticipating the ever more digital trading world of tomorrow.

As part of this ongoing commitment to innovation, smartTrade is now releasing a combined LiquidityFX next-generation (LFX-NG) platform combining the best of both pre-existing solutions.

LFX-NG relies on the award-winning secure, reliable, and scalable ultra-low latency cloud platform on which smartTrade has built its reputation for excellence. Combining innovation from both companies’ pre-existing solutions, LFX-NG offers a wide range of modules from AI-driven analytics to state-of-the-art cryptocurrencies trading through advanced workflows for all client segments. Financial institutions can customize and tailor their trading and post-trade workflows to the exacting needs of their client, be it a large institutional buy-side, a Fortune 500 corporate, a regional corporate, SME or a retail consumer. With fully integrated workflows covering spot, forward, NDF’s, Options, Cryptocurrencies, Payment Routing all underpinned by AI predictive analytics; the LFX-NG solution can be deployed as a full stack or individual modules meaning it’s never been easier to integrate.

The flexibility and agility of LFX-NG allows for tailored pricing and trading strategies to be developed and rolled out in a matter of months. This agile deployment is made possible by smartTrade’s in-house team of eFX experts supported by a proven standardized implementation methodology.

David Vincent, CEO of smartTrade, said: “I am very proud of what we have achieved in such a short time. Our relentless passion to serve our customers and wider industry participants has allowed us to deliver an extremely compelling next generation platform. LFX-NG brings leading innovation and technologies together, each complementing the other, creating a unique breadth and depth of electronic capabilities for all types of financial institution.”

About smartTrade Technologies:

smartTrade Technologies is a leading global provider of multi-asset electronic trading platforms, helping customers achieve business growth through our cost-efficient, technologically advanced secure private SaaS end-to-end solution.

smartTrade in-house hosted solutions support Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, Crypto and Derivatives asset classes with connectivity to 130+ liquidity providers, enabling tailored aggregation, smart execution, risk management, order management, analytics, payments and multi-channel distribution.

smartTrade supports a variety of regulated and un-regulated Financial Institutions.

To learn more, visit www.smart-trade.net


Lara Michel – COS smartTrade Technologies –  lmichel@smart-trade.net

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