

Nissin Foods and Toyota Partner to Realize Well-Being for All Through Food

发布时间:2022-04-26 13:51

Developing Personalized Delicious and Healthy Eating Within Woven City

TOKYO--()--Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd. (Nissin Foods) and Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) have initiated an agreement to jointly foster human well-being through healthy eating. This proposed plan will explore using Nissin’s innovative food offering, based on the latest molecular nutritional science, to provide personalized, delicious, and healthy “Complete Nutrition Meals” for Woven City. Woven City is being developed in Susono City, Shizuoka Prefecture on behalf of Toyota by Woven Planet, Inc. (Woven Planet), a Toyota subsidiary.

Specifically, the following initiatives will be considered.

(1) A joint demonstration on expanding food choices for Woven City and improve residents’ health through the provision of "Complete Nutrition Meals”

(2) Connect data to provide "Complete Nutrition Meals" optimization based on each individual’s needs

Through Woven City, Toyota is aiming to transform itself into a mobility company and will conduct many demonstrations with various partners. With Woven City, Toyota is taking on the challenge of pursuing well-being for all and expanding the very definition of "mobility" to make it more human-centered. The word "mobility" includes not only getting from point A to point B, but also "moving" people's hearts.

Under the slogan "Beyond Instant Foods," Nissin Foods is taking on the challenge of creating a new food culture that goes beyond the value of instant foods. As one of these efforts, Nissin Foods has been researching "Complete Nutrition Meals" that provide all the necessary nutrients with controlled calories, salt, sugar, and fat, while maintaining the appearance and taste of the food. Applying the technology they have developed for instant noodles and other products, Nissin Foods is making various efforts to realize food for the future by utilizing proprietary and cutting-edge food production technology.

Nissin Foods' goal of "Beyond Instant Foods" and Toyota Woven City's goal of "broadening the scope of mobility" are essentially the same, even if the industries involved are different. These aspirations of both companies are in line with each other, and have led to this basic agreement. The two companies will work together to realize well-being through food by offering Nissin Foods' "Complete Nutrition Meals" in Woven City, aiming for delicious and healthy products that are optimized for each individual’s needs.

“We strongly share Toyota's vision of ‘well-being for all’ and are very pleased to be a part of Woven City. This initiative is the first step toward realizing a ‘new diet’ that allows people to enjoy a ‘Complete Nutrition Meal’ optimized for each individual anytime, anywhere. We will continue to work on improving well-being through food by conducting medium to long-term demonstrations in Woven City based on the themes of ‘food and nutrition’ and ‘the correlation between food and the extension of healthy life expectancy.’ We will continue to take on further challenges to realize a world where people can enjoy whatever they want, whenever they want, and as much as they want, as never seen before, under the slogan "#Japan as a nation on the cutting edge of preventive medicine.”

Noritaka Ando, Executive Vice President & Representative Director, Chief Operating Officer of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD. and President & Representative Director of Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd.

“We are excited to partner with Nissin Foods, Japan’s leading food production company which is on an ongoing mission to create a new food culture beginning with the development of the world's first instant noodles. Through Woven City, Toyota strives to achieve well-being for all by conducting trials that will expand the meaning and value of ‘mobility’ and create healthy and satisfying eating experiences that ‘move’ people's hearts. While health requirements and eating preferences differ across individuals, within the living laboratory of Woven City, we will learn more about how custom diets inspire healthier lifestyles and greater happiness.

The problem of food waste and lack of access to affordable, healthy food is a global human rights issue. Toyota and Woven Planet believe that Toyota Production System principles that Toyota developed and implemented in Just-In-Time delivery of parts and supplies for manufacturing operations, have the potential to improve food supply chain operations, optimize freshness, and reduce food waste, if applied to food production and delivery.”

James Kuffner, Board of Directors Member and Chief Digital Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation and CEO of Woven Planet, Inc.

About Nissin Foods:

Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd. (Nissin Foods) history begins in 1958, from the invention of the world's first instant noodles, Chicken Ramen. Since then, Nissin Foods has continued to create new food cultures through the development of products such as the first cup-type instant noodles, Cup Noodles, and the world's first space food ramen, Space Ram. The instant noodles market has since been growing globally, now reaching an annual consumption of 100 billion servings. As a pioneer in creating new food cultures, Nissin Foods will continue to lead the global food scene through creativity and technology, under the slogan: "Beyond Instant Foods".

For more information, please visit https://www.nissin.com/en_jp/

About Toyota Motor Corporation

Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) (NYSE: TM) is the global mobility company that introduced the Prius hybrid-electric car in 1997 and the first mass-produced fuel cell sedan, Mirai, in 2014. Headquartered in Toyota City, Japan, Toyota has been making cars since 1937. Today, Toyota proudly employs 370,000 employees in communities around the world. Together, they build around 10 million vehicles per year in 28 countries and regions, from mainstream cars and premium vehicles to mini-vehicles and commercial trucks, and sell them in more than 170 countries and regions under the brands Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino.

For more information, please visit https://global.toyota/en

About Woven Planet

Woven Planet is building the safest mobility in the world. A subsidiary of Toyota, Woven Planet innovates and invests in new technologies, software, and business models that transform how we live, work and move. With a focus on automated driving, smart cities, robotics and more, Woven Planet builds on Toyota's legacy of trust to deliver secure, connected, reliable, and sustainable mobility solutions for all.

Learn more at https://www.woven-planet.global/en


Public Relations, Woven Planet Holdings, Inc.

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