

Global Processing Services Names Jill Docherty as Director, Global Partnerships

发布时间:2022-05-30 15:18

LONDON--()--Global Processing Services (GPS), a leading global payment technology platform, has today announced the appointment of Jill Docherty as Director, Global Partnerships. Based in London, Jill sits on GPS’ global executive committee and is responsible for identifying, leading and managing all GPS ecosystem partners, facilitating collaboration to drive innovation and growth for GPS and its customers.

Prior to GPS, Jill spent fifteen years at Mastercard and Visa where she held a number of senior roles across Business Development, Customer Success, Product and Marketing. Jill also has extensive international experience having lived and worked across three continents, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Europe.

Her most recent position was Head of Business Development UK & Ireland at Visa where she had end-to-end responsibility for delivering the full range of the Visa portfolio to different customers – including strategic growth issuers, commercial offerings, and the FinTech sector.

Joanne Dewar, Chief Executive Officer, GPS, said: “We are delighted to welcome Jill to our senior leadership team. Jill is someone we have collaborated with for many years through our long-standing partnerships with both Visa and Mastercard, both of whom are also investors of GPS. She is incredibly well connected and possesses an extraordinary wealth of knowledge of value to fintechs of all shapes and sizes. She is ideally placed to help accelerate our growth plans as we expand into new markets around the world and build out our global partner ecosystem.”

Jill Docherty, Director, Global Partnerships, GPS, added: “During my fifteen years at Mastercard and Visa I have helped innumerable fintechs launch new card programmes and navigate the payments ecosystem. I have always been drawn to working with entrepreneurial, courageous businesses who are keen to experiment and innovate, all with the goal to continue to advance and transform society for the better. GPS is exactly that type of company. I’m thrilled to be joining the leadership team and helping to establish GPS as the number one partner to call when launching a new card programme anywhere in the world.”

In January 2022, GPS announced a significant capital injection of over US$400 million, providing GPS with a bench of experienced global growth investors including Advent International – through Advent Tech and affiliate Sunley House Capital – Viking Global InvestorsTemasek the global investment company headquartered in Singapore; and MissionOG, a US-based growth equity firm. In March 2022, GPS announced Mastercard had also made a strategic investment into the company.

GPS is investing strongly in its award-winning API-first payment technology platform, upgrading its infrastructure and diversifying its capabilities, with an eye on new and fast-growing verticals where adoption continues to rise, including digital banks, crypto, BNPL, open banking and cross border payments, and is expanding its international footprint worldwide.



Louisa Bartoszek

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