

GPS Announces New Senior Leadership Changes

发布时间:2022-06-30 09:38

Joanne Dewar has been promoted to Vice Chair and will focus on the group’s growth and global profile
Kevin Schultz has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and will focus on strategy and execution
Both the new Vice Chair and CEO will work closely with the Chair, Gene Lockhart, in a newly formed Office of the Chair


Global Processing Services (GPS), a leading global payment technology platform, has today announced the promotion of Joanne Dewar to Vice Chair. Kevin Schultz has also been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.

Joanne will maintain her position on the GPS board, where she will focus on the group’s growth and global profile, and continue to work alongside Chair, Gene Lockhart, in a newly created Office of the Chair. Joanne had been CEO at GPS for over four years and was instrumental in scaling the company and securing investment from arguably the most impressive consortium in the payments industry.

Kevin brings a wealth of executive leadership experience in the payments and digital banking industry to his new role as CEO, where he will primarily focus on strategy and execution. Most recently, Kevin served as Fiserv’s Group President of the Digital Banking. Prior to Fiserv, Kevin served as President, Global Financial Services at First Data, following nearly 16 years at Visa, where he built out the debit processing business, Visa DPS.

Gene Lockhart, Chair, GPS, said: “We are hugely grateful for the great work that Joanne has done at GPS. Under Joanne’s stewardship, the company has gone from strength to strength and successfully transitioned through a major new investment round, the building of a new management team and a significant transformation. In her new role as Vice Chair, she will continue to play a pivotal role in GPS’ future.

“With Kevin on board, our leadership team now has a unique and powerful blend of industry, market and leadership experience which will help us to accelerate the company’s growth.”

Joanne Dewar, Vice Chair, GPS, said: “I am extremely proud of what has been achieved so far and I am very excited about my new role, which should enable me to help expand the business footprint through raising the profile and building the global network. I am also delighted to welcome Kevin, whose impressive track record and experience will be a huge asset to the GPS business and our customers. Together with Gene, I am convinced that we have a winning combination which will accelerate the ability of GPS to reach its true potential.”

Kevin Schultz, Chief Executive Officer, GPS, said: “It has been a transformational period for the company, and I could not be more excited to lead the company through the next phase of its development. With the experience of our leadership team and support of our investors, I am convinced that GPS will continue to deliver market leading technology and provide our customers with ever more innovative payments solutions.”


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220629005511/en/


Louisa Bartoszek

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