

Juniper Networks Digitally Uplifts Australia’s Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in New South Wales to Transform Its Animal Welfare Experiences

发布时间:2022-09-08 10:55

The upgrade powered by Juniper’s AI-driven network, will serve as the foundation for the RSPCA NSW’s ability to offer a smarter, more secure and better digital experience on-site for its visitors, staff and the animals under its care

SYDNEY--()--Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced it has been selected by the not-for-profit Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, New South Wales (RSPCA NSW) to help facilitate its digital transformation initiative. In-line with Juniper's mission to Power Connections and Empower Change, RSPCA NSW's digital transformation will be key to its ultimate goal of improving animal welfare education and keeping people and animals together.

In 2021 alone, over 24,000 animals came through the doors of RSPCA NSW across six shelters and three veterinary hospitals for treatment, protection, rehabilitation and rehoming. Thanks to the support of RSPCA NSW’s community of animal lovers and a multi-million-dollar grant from the State Government, the RSPCA NSW Yagoona shelter has been transformed into a new state-of-the-art Adoption and Education Centre. As part of this upgrade, RSPCA NSW sought out a trusted networking partner to help achieve their digital transformation needs. Juniper Networks, with its proven track record of delivering leading networking solutions, was selected to enable this initiative.

Following a physical expansion which saw the Sydney Headquarters double in size with improvements across its various facilities, RSPCA NSW upgraded its existing aging technology infrastructure as part of this refresh to provide better digitally-enabled experiences across its spaces. This included the deployment of a range of networking solutions across Juniper’s AI-driven wired and wireless portfolio, which has enabled RSPCA NSW to offer a stronger digital experience for its staff and prospective pet parents alike.

Among other improvements, it can now better monitor animals under its care through Bluetooth® LE location tracking technology, while also streamlining operations across a multi-site network managed by a lean two-person team. In addition, the upgrades have enabled improved access to data and applications for its veterinary staff, educators and volunteers.

Alongside Juniper Networks, RSPCA NSW’s digital transformation has gone one step further than being just a physical one, having allowed the not-for-profit to adapt to new ways of working by moving applications to the cloud and the modernization of its IT infrastructure – all while further enabling its mission of caring for the abandoned, neglected, sick and surrendered animals across the state.

Supporting Quotes:

“At Juniper Networks, we have always strived to power connections as we empower change. We are thus delighted to be able to work with the RSPCA NSW, in support of its digital transformation ambitions. Together, we have been able to expand on the RSPCA's existing capabilities to facilitate better interactions with the public with the end goal of improving animal welfare, while also improving the experience for staff, volunteers and customers. With our experience-first solutions and capabilities, we are confident the RSPCA will be able to continue its mission for many years to come.”

Bruce Bennie, Vice President & General Manager, ANZ, Juniper Networks

“RSPCA NSW wanted to start fresh with a clean slate and to ensure that we built out a smarter and more reliable network, which is why we selected digital experts in Juniper Networks. The upgrades have allowed us to better extend access to applications and data to our employees and provide secure guest Wi-Fi, among other developments. We are incredibly excited with our digital transformation, which has allowed us to create new efficiencies across our shelters, clinical care and education. This will truly help our business continue its mission to actively promote the care and protection of animals.”

Julian Manche, Head of Finance & IT, RSPCA NSW

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Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security, and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability, and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.

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Media Relations:
Kenneth Chew
Juniper Networks
+65 6511 3529

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