

Bright Data to Launch Bright Insights, with the Acquisition of Top eCommerce Digital Analytics Provider Market Beyond

发布时间:2022-09-13 10:13

With Bright Insights, Bright Data will now provide customers with the complete web data cycle, from collection through to analysis and actionable insights


Bright Data, the industry-leading web data platform, has today announced the acquisition of eCommerce insights provider Market Beyond. With this acquisition, Bright Data adds digital shelf analytics to its already comprehensive data offerings, introducing its new division – Bright Insights.

Market Beyond’s team will join Bright Data’s 400+-strong team, where they will lead the newly established Bright Insights division. This dedicated team will roll out Bright Insights to the company’s enterprise retail customer base with plans to expand in the future to further domains.

Through Bright Insights, leading retail brands, marketplaces and manufacturers will now be able to gain quality, reliable web data as well as critical business insights from one place. This will allow prominent brands to create strategies based on quality-driven data insights and, in turn, optimize and advance their business performance.

Since launching in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2016, Market Beyond has worked with large manufacturers and brands within the eCommerce sphere to provide an accurate picture of both their and their competitors’ market share in the eCommerce landscape. Market Beyond has grown significantly and now has a global footprint with a dedicated US focus, where its customer base includes multiple Fortune 500 brands, such as Home Depot, eBay, Overstock and many more.

The acquisition of Market Beyond, and the subsequent launch of Bright Insights, will allow retail sphere leaders to seamlessly get the real-time web data they need as well as the actionable insights crucial for split-second decision-making,” said Bright Data CEO Or Lenchner. “Bright Data’s focus on innovating web data products supports thousands of customers around the world. The introduction of Bright Insights will take data analysis to the next level. We look forward to welcoming the Market Beyond team into Bright Data's expanding family, and we are excited about the positive impact this will have on the data industry,” concluded Lenchner.

This partnership not only signals a new chapter for Market Beyond but affirms our commitment to providing market-leading data-driven insights to leading businesses around the world,” said Market Beyond CEO Yuval Yifrach.Market Beyond’s capabilities complement Bright Data’s industry-first technology perfectly. This deal, as well as the launch of Bright Insights, will allow us to continue providing market intelligence to brands and retailers and extend our reach to new markets. We have been working closely with Bright Data’s technology for over two years and we look forward to continuing to work alongside the entire Bright Data team as we create Bright Insights and push the boundaries of what is possible within the data-driven analysis space.”


About Market Beyond

Since its establishment in 2016, Market Beyond’s unique AI & Machine Learning technology has served the largest brands across the world, specifically the market-leading brands, Fortune 500 included, in the US. Today, Market Beyond provides its dozens of customers in the retail space with reliable and precise real-time market insights that directly impact their present landscape as well as future strategic steps.

About Bright Data

Bright Data is the industry-leading web data platform. Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, and small businesses rely on Bright Data’s solutions to retrieve public web data in the most efficient, reliable, and flexible way so they can research, monitor, and train their systems and analyze data to run better strategies and inform decision-making.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220912005571/en/


Keren Pakes kerenp@brightdata.com
Philip Iacob brightdata@rlyl.com

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