

The LYCRA Company Publishes Sustainability Update Including 2030 Goals and Commitments

发布时间:2022-10-12 17:00


The LYCRA Company, a global leader in developing sustainable and innovative fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, today announced the publication of its first annual Planet Agenda Update. Visitors to the company's website may download the entire update or the abridged 2030 Goals and Commitments section.

The Planet Agenda Update is named for The LYCRA Company's sustainability framework that was established in 2008. It has three pillars that touch every aspect of its business: corporate responsibility, product sustainability, and manufacturing excellence. The sustainability goals outlined in these documents are organized around these pillars, include 2030 targets (unless otherwise noted), and provide 2021 baseline performance.

"We believe in transparency and think it's important to have a clear sustainability roadmap to guide our business into the future—a bold plan that fully supports our customers and stakeholders," said Julien Born, chief executive officer of The LYCRA Company. "In support of this plan, we have signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Call-to-Action Commitment Letter, a testament to our company’s focus on lowering emissions and environmental impact. I'm proud of our teams' work to advance our sustainability efforts and develop our 2030 goals as we work toward our 2050 net zero commitment."

This update also outlines how the company’s sustainability goals align with five of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and reports on its progress made thus far in reaching its objectives.

"We have a long legacy as an industry leader known for investing in developing sustainable fibers and collaborating across the value chain," said Jean Hegedus, sustainability director at The LYCRA Company. "As we created our 2030 goals, we researched our customers' goals to ensure that our goals supported them, which inspired the update's theme of 'What moves you…is what moves us.'"

The LYCRA Company is an innovation-driven organization that began offering COOLMAX® EcoMade fiber in 2008 and has since extended its recycled product line to include fiber branded under LYCRA®, LYCRA® T400®, and THERMOLITE®. It also produces LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ brand fibers for stretch apparel that delivers lasting shape and fit. Extending garment life with durable fibers reduces the environmental impact of garments and helps keep them out of landfills. The company recently announced an agreement with Qore® LLC to use QIRA® for bio-derived LYCRA® fiber at scale.

"Our industry-leading research and development team is creating the next generation of sustainable offerings for apparel and personal care products right now. We can't wait to share what's next," Born added.

About The LYCRA Company

The LYCRA Company innovates and produces fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries. Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, The LYCRA Company is recognized worldwide for its innovative products, technical expertise, sustainable solutions, and unmatched marketing support. The LYCRA Company owns leading consumer and trade brands: LYCRA®, LYCRA HyFit®, LYCRA® T400®, COOLMAX®, THERMOLITE®, ELASPAN®, SUPPLEX®, and TACTEL®. The LYCRA Company’s legacy stretches back to 1958 with the invention of the original spandex yarn, LYCRA® fiber. Today, The LYCRA Company focuses on adding value to its customers’ products by developing unique innovations designed to meet the consumer’s need for comfort and lasting performance. For more information, visit thelycracompany.com.

LYCRA®, LYCRA® T400®, COOLMAX®, THERMOLITE®, and XTRA LIFE™ are trademarks of The LYCRA Company.
Qore® LLC and QIRA® are trademarks of Qore® LLC.


Karie J. Ford

The LYCRA Company publishes Sustainability Update including 2030 Goals.

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