

Alibaba Cloud Unveils Its First International Product Innovation Center and Partner Management Center

发布时间:2023-01-09 15:11

Leading cloud service provider manifests its commitment to global customers, starting from its international headquarters in Singapore

The cloud leader also attains the highest tier of cybersecurity certification while facilitating local customers’ digital transformation in retail, logistics and gaming


Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group (NYSE: BABA; HKEX: 9988), today unveiled at the Alibaba Cloud Singapore Summit 2023 its first international product innovation center and partner management center, to further enhance customer services and better facilitate customers’ digitalization journey.

The new Product Innovation Center will help facilitate future roadmaps for developing more market-specific solutions, and will oversee the management of product upgrades based on ongoing global customer demands. To better serve local customers’ needs, the Partner Management Center will be launched to delve into local collaborations to deepen the sharing of leading technologies and domain expertise amongst partners.

These new initiatives will not only create more job opportunities for local talents in Singapore but will also enhance more local collaborations through the creation of a new Innovation Accelerator Program to support businesses to expand as the global digital economy continues to grow.

The Innovation Accelerator Program aims to bring together industry leaders and experts to help develop more innovative and resilient businesses in Singapore through sharing of practical skills and ideas, and providing ease of access to the latest cloud technologies. Each eligible company under the program will also receive complimentary training and technical support from Alibaba Cloud and industry experts.

By supporting businesses with their digital transformation and innovation journey through upskilling, retraining, and technical upgrading, the program also provides them with an opportunity to plug into the dynamic global ecosystem of Alibaba Cloud, which is designed to further empower businesses to explore and realize their growth ambitions not only locally but also internationally.

“Today we are in a very early stage of digitalization,” said Dr. Wang Jian, Member of Chinese Engineering Academy and founder of Alibaba Cloud. “In the next five to ten years, the economy is going to be driven and measured by computing consumption. Digital economy is the economy of computing, and cloud computing will play the same role in the era of digitalization as electricity played in the era of electrification. The cloud is becoming a methodology not just for cloud computing, but a methodology for most people doing their work.”

In a bid to complement sustainable business strategies, Alibaba Cloud will also be working with partners to help 10,000 global companies to accelerate their sustainability journey over the next three years. Businesses in Singapore will be offered a pilot program of Energy Expert to help reduce their carbon footprints. A proprietary software-as-a-service sustainability platform launched by Alibaba Cloud in June last year, Energy Expert helps measure, analyze, and manage the carbon emissions of business activities and products while providing actionable insights and energy-saving recommendations to companies in helping them achieve their carbon emission goals.

“With the setup of our first International Product Innovation Center and Partner Management Center in Singapore, our global headquarters for Alibaba Cloud, we are committed to continuously supporting global businesses in their digital transformation journey. The new initiatives and the strengthening of our talented workforce further illustrate our support for global customers with ambitions to expand and upgrade their innovation capabilities, while delivering on their sustainability goals,” said Selina Yuan, Vice President of Alibaba Group and President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business Unit.

Attaining the highest tier of CSA cybersecurity certification

A critical part of Alibaba Cloud’s continuous efforts is to bring better services and offerings to businesses and these include enhanced cybersecurity and protection for customers. Alibaba Cloud has recently attained the Cyber Trust (Advocate) mark certification. The Cyber Trust mark, developed by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), is targeted at larger or more digitalized organizations, and helps organizations to communicate their investment in cybersecurity as a competitive edge and to build trust with their customers.

The Cyber Trust (Advocate) mark is the highest tier of the certification. It affirms Alibaba Cloud’s dedication to offer trusted services for businesses to manage and protect their cloud infrastructure.

Supporting Customers’ Growth with Technology for Innovation

Gadget MIX is a Singapore-based retailer with more than 20 outlets across the country and a robust e-commerce presence that focuses on high-tech digital products. Alibaba Cloud has helped Gadget MIX digitally transform its retail strategy through providing innovative cloud solutions. Partnering with Alibaba Cloud has allowed Gadget MIX to improve internal communications, streamline business operations, and seamlessly migrate to the cloud to speed up its business transformation.

“The solutions provided by Alibaba Cloud have helped to lower our total cost of ownership and streamline business operations, thus speeding up our business transformation efforts. In particular, the deployment of DingTalk has helped us to improve workflow management and team collaborations as well as our business and internal communications. Through our digital transformation efforts together with Alibaba Cloud, we have succeeded in creating more value for our retail customers and look forward to future collaborations around digital transformation,” said Ray Yue, CEO of Gadget MIX.

Leveraging Alibaba Cloud’s game accelerator solution and security products like Game Shield and Anti-DDos, Project Twelve (P12), a web3 gaming platform headquartered in Singapore, is now able to focus on scalable game deployment while providing a secure environment for their users by lowering the risks of cyberattacks. P12 also utilizes Alibaba Cloud’s cloud native database, PolarDB, to reduce maintenance time and improve uptime reliability, thus creating a smooth gamer experience.

“With added assurance for a secure gaming experience within P12 platform, we can focus our efforts on elevating the platform with quality games and sustainable economy in the fast-moving and dynamic web3 gaming industry. Alibaba Cloud’s solutions have helped us to provide our users with smoother gaming experiences and scale accordingly to peak demands with high availability and low latency,” said Boyang, founder of Project Twelve.

With Singapore as a vibrant logistics hub and it being a key pillar of the Singapore economy, Alibaba Cloud has also been working with many logistics players to deepen their digital transformation efforts. This includes JUSTI Pte. Ltd. (JUSTI), a homegrown investment holding company whose main investment portfolios includes a last mile delivery operation. Alibaba Cloud’s solutions have enabled them to digitalize and streamline its logistic networks.

“Alibaba Cloud’s AI-driven EasyDispatch solution with an embedded vehicle routing problem (VRP) capability improves our field dispatch capabilities and efficiency in real time. By utilizing Alibaba Cloud’s technologies, we can have better visibility and control over each step of our delivery chains, such as parcel status tracking, real-time AI route designing and task scheduling. They have greatly reduced our manpower cost and increase customers’ satisfaction,” said Li ChaoMing, Managing Director of JUSTI.

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com) is the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group. It offers a complete suite of cloud services to customers worldwide, including elastic computing, database, storage, network virtualization services, large-scale computing, security, management and application services, big data analytics, a machine learning platform and IoT services. Alibaba maintained its position as the third leading public cloud IaaS service provider globally since 2018, according to IDC. Alibaba is the world’s third leading and Asia Pacific’s leading IaaS provider by revenue in U.S. dollars since 2018, according to Gartner.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230108005098/en/


Xiaoyi Shao
Alibaba Group
+86 18658170996

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