

Agenda 2023: PQE Group Boosting Growth by Reinforcing Service Portfolio and Entering New Markets

发布时间:2023-01-18 17:42


It has been another successful year for PQE Group, a consulting firm in the Life Sciences industry based in Florence (Italy) with 32 offices worldwide. Recently named "Best Managed Company" by Deloitte, the Group closed in 2022 with a +70% in revenues compared to the previous year, thanks to the tremendous growth in the US and other international markets.

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PQE Group, founded and administered by Gilda D'Incerti, reached 2000 employees worldwide in 2022 as a result of the recruitment of more than 500 people, split between recent graduates and senior experts. This trend is expected to continue in 2023 with a further recruiting effort of another 800 talents by the end of the year not only in the Americas, but also in new markets such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, North Africa, Singapore, Ireland and Canada.

In addition to its organic growth, PQE Group will further increase the strategic business collaborations (the so-called Federated companies of the Group), creating new joint ventures with entrepreneurs worldwide. Great examples from last year were the shareholding agreements established with Techniconsult Group, a leading engineering company, and Quintian Pharma, a Regulatory and Pharmacovigilance consulting firm, ensuring not just staff augmentation, but also a competitive advantage within the global markets.

Awarded Great Place to Work in the US, PQE Group puts its people at the core of its business strategy: the talented and highly specialized workforce of the company can benefit from planned career roadmaps and an associate program aimed to develop young talents to enter the company as partners. Within this framework, the decision-making teams of the company are composed by 43 equity partners and more than 130 young managers, 40% of whom are women and from 16 different countries.

“2022 has been a positive year for PQE Group, a private company, made in Italy, with an international dimension,” explains Danilo Neri, Vice President Executive & Board Equity Partner, “that allows us to be in competition with the biggest consulting companies. Not just due to our internationalization and substantial number of highly specialized talents, we also decided to extend our services portfolio focusing our attention in the clinical studies and medical cannabis, becoming among the top players worldwide within the consulting companies in the Life Sciences sector.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230118005073/en/


Press Office
Laura Piccioli | pressoffice@pqegroup.com

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