

Board Recognized in Gartner Critical Capabilities for Financial Planning Software Report

发布时间:2023-01-19 20:43

Board’s Intelligent Planning Solutions which help organizations plan smarter for better outcomes, meet all critical capabilities use cases with excellence


Board, the leading global provider of Intelligent Planning Solutions which help organizations plan smarter — enabling actionable insights and better outcomes, today announced it has been recognized in Gartner Critical Capabilities Research for Financial Planning Software.

Board is positioned amongst the 3-highest scoring vendors and scored highest in the Efficiency Use Case category.

Gartner Critical Capabilities Research shows vendor performance in Use Cases across categories for Efficiency, Improved Operational Visibility and Management, and Complex Business Environment. In addition to these recognitions, Board was recently placed as a Leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Financial Planning Software.

“We are honored to score highly across all Use Cases in the Gartner Critical Capabilities Research for Financial Planning Software, which in our opinion reflects how customers can harness the power of Intelligent Planning solutions to transform crucial enterprise-wide planning, forecasting and budgeting in today’s complex and fast-changing business environment,” said Marco Limena, CEO of Board. “These latest Critical Capabilities scores show how successful enterprises can plan smarter, to accelerate growth with intelligent, integrated financial and operational planning and deliver better business outcomes.”

Critical Capabilities Research by Gartner highlights how “Financial Planning software is evolving to support the increased demand for agile and continuous enterprise-wide planning in a rapidly changing business environment. CFOs can use this research to evaluate planning software solutions, with a view to creating a shortlist that matches their needs.”*

“This research differentiates each vendor’s product based on three Use Cases that represent the primary buyer segments of the financial planning solution market. Two of the Use Cases, namely efficiency and improved operational visibility and management, represent the most common business objectives that CFOs want to achieve by using new financial planning software. The final Use Case, complex business environment, represents the typical needs of large global organizations with high process and data complexity.

The ratings for each critical capability are based on evaluations by Gartner analysts, vendor demonstrations, responses to vendor questionnaires, and insights from client inquiry interactions and Gartner® Peer Insights™ platform.”*

Click here to view a complimentary copy of the Critical Capabilities research to learn more about Board’s scores in all three Use Case categories.

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*Gartner, Critical Capabilities for Financial Planning Software, Regina Crowder, Farrah Watson, Matthew Mowrey, 19 December 2022

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About Board

Board’s Intelligent Planning Platform delivers solutions that help over 2,000 organizations worldwide plan smarter — enabling actionable insights and better outcomes. Board helps leading enterprises discover crucial insights which drive business decisions and unify strategy, finance and operations through more integrated and intelligent planning to achieve full control of performance. Partnering with Board, global enterprises such as H&M, BASF, Burberry, Toyota, Coca-Cola, KPMG, and HSBC have digitally transformed their planning processes.


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Board Contact:  
Dan Chappell, VP Global Communications  

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