

Brazilian Healthcare Technology Company Secures Sensitive Data With Thales

发布时间:2023-04-06 10:55

Brazilian healthcare company Funcional HealthTech uses Thales’ CipherTrust Data Security Platform to protect sensitive customer data
CipherTrust will help protect data from Functional HealthTech customers processing 17 million transactions per year
Strong safeguards against cyber-attacks on sensitive data helps Functional HealthTech gain new customers

PARIS LA DÉFENSE--()--Thales, a global technology leader, continues to create partnerships to take its innovations to various sectors of society, including health. The latest collaboration is with Funcional HealthTech in Brazil which is using Thales’ CipherTrust Data Security Platform to provide data security to more than 400 customers processing 17 million transactions per year from over 40,000 pharmacies in Brazil.

Funcional HealthTech has been accelerating business in the health sector in Brazil for over 20 years by developing technological solutions which help the health ecosystem work both smarter and more sustainably. The company offers exclusive solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies, distributors, carriers, brokers and HR departments through loyalty programs, direct discounts in payroll and data analysis to help monitor patients' health.

All of these solutions rely on the secure storage of sensitive data from millions of patients in the company's hybrid IT infrastructure, which includes multiple cloud services and innovations such as artificial intelligence and big data. Funcional HealthTech selected Thales' CipherTrust Data Security Platform to help simplify and automate the protection of sensitive healthcare data flowing through complex on-premises and cloud systems, and to help achieve compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) of Brazil.

The CipherTrust Data Security Platform is an integrated suite of data-centric security solutions that unify data discovery, classification, data security and granular access controls with centralized key management. The platform capabilities deployed by Funcional HealthTech provide strong protections against cyberattacks on sensitive patient data. CipherTrust Transparent Encryption provides data-at-rest encryption with centralized key management, privileged user access control, and detailed data access audit logging. This combination protects data wherever it resides, whether on-premises, across multiple clouds, or within large data and container environments. CipherTrust Tokenization provides pseudonymization or anonymization of sensitive information in databases, enabling data analysis without the risk of exposing sensitive data.

“Thales’ solution is helping us provide strong safeguards against cyber-attacks on sensitive data which is key in our ability to close multiple new customer deals,” said Wilson Achilles, Head of Infrastructure and Information Security at Funcional HealthTech.

The healthcare industry is experiencing new and unique challenges to meet the growing demand for operational efficiency and security in this era of digitisation. The intersection between cybersecurity and healthcare is only expected to increase with the growth of digitisation within the segment. Thales’ CipherTrust solution and experience can help the industry ensure resilience and the protection of sensitive healthcare data, Abílio Branco, Head of Data Protection Sales for Thales in Brazil.

For more information, download the full case study.

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global high technology leader investing in digital and “deep tech” innovations — connectivity, big data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and quantum technology — to build a future we can all trust, which is vital to the development of our societies. The company provides solutions, services and products that help its customers — businesses, organisations and states — in the defence, aeronautics, space, transportation and digital identity and security markets to fulfil their critical missions, by placing humans at the heart of the decision-making process.

Thales has 81,000 employees in 68 countries. In 2021, the Group generated sales of €16.2 billion.

Thales Group
Cybersecurity Solutions | Thales Group


Thales, Media Relations
Security & Cybersecurity
Marion Bonnet
+33 (0)6 60 38 48 92


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