

Arthur D. Little Publishes Bridge over troubled waters – Latest Edition of Prism Magazine

发布时间:2023-04-19 09:54

LONDON--()--Arthur D. Little (ADL) has published Bridge over troubled waters – the latest edition of its innovation magazine PRISM. The first edition of 2023 looks beyond today’s negative headlines, exploring how businesses and their leaders are building for the future, with a new, cautious confidence.

The magazine features seven key articles:

  • Embracing uncertainty, driving growth - There is no shortage of research into the current state of the world economy, but what do leading CEOs actually think about market conditions, and what are their strategies for the future? Based on in-depth research with CEOs of $1bn+ companies, our lead article paints a positive picture around optimism, innovation and growth.
  • Navigating the sustainability journey - Achieving sustainability requires transformational change. However, uncertainties around customer demand, regulation and technology maturity mean that effective decision-making is hard. This article explains why adopting an updated version of scenario planning can identify the ‘no regret’ decisions that organizations need to take, both now and in the future.
  • How data sharing is essential to deliver industry-wide transformation - Across industries, collaboration is crucial to meeting the twin needs of sustainability and customer-centricity. Data is the fuel to power this collaboration, but how can companies effectively harness and share it across their ecosystems? Using lessons from the energy sector, this article outlines new approaches that underpin successful transformation.
  • How to build a unicorn in the post-pandemic inflationary world - The abrupt slowdown in start-up funding demonstrates that market conditions have fundamentally changed. Building future unicorns requires a new approach, focused on the bottom-line, rather than chasing unprofitable growth. Based on experience and conversations with start-ups and their backers, this article sets out the new formula for creating unicorns.
  • Take off or trough? – In today's world companies cannot afford to ignore potentially disruptive technology, but predicting how and when technologies will accelerate to impact the mainstream remains an issue. This article explains how new approaches around expert crowdsourcing and design fiction can allow companies to make the right investment decisions, at the right time.
  • Combining strength and agility - Companies in complex, highly specialized and capital intensive sectors such as aerospace & defense, and energy face particular challenges in delivering breakthrough innovation. This article sets out a framework based on four key factors that combines agility and strength to drive successful breakthrough outcomes.
  • CEO interview: Andreas Matthä, CEO, ÖBB - ÖBB is an Austrian railway mobility and logistics service provider which transported 320+ million passengers and over 94 million tonnes of goods during 2021. We interview its CEO, Andreas Matthä, who explains how the company’s clear purpose guides its strategic decision-making.

Ignacio García Alves, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little, comments: “Across the world, we are seeing a growing confidence amongst businesses and their leaders. This issue of PRISM provides insight into this trend, focusing on how technology and business, working together with governments and communities, have the ability to help the world bridge over today’s troubled waters..”

This latest edition of PRISM can be viewed here: https://tinyurl.com/btr9ef2v


Further information from:

Cate Bonthuys
Catalyst Comms
+44 7746 546773


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