

Ripple to Showcase Real Estate Asset Tokenization Solution as part of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Inaugural e-HKD Pilot Programme

发布时间:2023-05-19 08:37

Innovative solution combining the e-HKD, tokenized real estate and lending protocols will run Ripple’s CBDC Platform


Ripple, the leader in enterprise blockchain and crypto solutions, announced today that it has been selected to showcase a real estate asset tokenization solution as part of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s (HKMA) inaugural e-HKD Pilot Programme.

The HKMA has adopted a three-rail approach to prepare for the possible rollouts of the e-HKD. As a leading provider offering real world asset tokenization capabilities, Ripple alongside its partners including Fubon Bank – one of the largest commercial banks in Taiwan – will demonstrate its use case under e-HKD Pilot Programme, which will focus on real estate asset tokenization and equity release leveraging the e-HKD. e-HKD Pilot Programme will see a series of pilots conducted with various industry players to gain in-depth research into application, implementation, and design issues related to the e-HKD.

With real world asset tokenization predicted to be a multi-trillion-dollar industry by 2030, tokenizing commodities such as real estate is gaining traction within the financial services and government sectors as a core use case. Ripple’s innovative solution combining the e-HKD, tokenized real estate, and lending protocols will run on a private and secure ledger, built with the same technology as the XRP Ledger (XRPL). The XRPL is an open-source, energy-efficient and decentralized blockchain that has been continuously operating for over 10 years.

For most people, their home becomes one of the main assets in their total wealth portfolio with the possibility of increasing in value over time. However, unlocking this increase in equity has considerable friction. The process can be costly, lengthy, and cumbersome. By leveraging the power of blockchain technologies, such as the XRPL and Ripple’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Platform, Hong Kong citizens can experience the release of equity faster and more efficiently. Commercial banks can also expect to benefit from higher velocity of loan throughput and more flexible payments.

“The Asia Pacific region has many forward-looking regulators such as the HKMA, who are looking to leverage the capabilities of blockchain and crypto technology. It’s a huge honor for Ripple to be one of the select few organizations participating in the HKMA’s e-HKD Pilot Programme. We now have the opportunity to demonstrate how real estate asset tokenization could be brought to the citizens of Hong Kong, and are confident that our fully integrated solution will be an industry-first use case demonstrating the power of leveraging a CBDC for real estate equity asset release,” said James Wallis, Ripple’s Vice President of Central Bank Engagements & CBDCs.

As part of the inaugural e-HKD Rail 2 Pilot Programme, Ripple executives attended the commencement event on May 18th hosted by Mr. Eddie Yue, Chief Executive of the HKMA.

About Ripple

Ripple is a crypto solutions company that transforms how the world moves, manages and tokenizes value. Ripple’s business solutions are faster, more transparent, and more cost effective - solving inefficiencies that have long defined the status quo. And together with partners and the larger developer community, we identify use cases where crypto technology will inspire new business models and create opportunity for more people. With every solution, we’re realizing a more sustainable global economy and planet - increasing access to inclusive and scalable financial systems while leveraging carbon neutral blockchain technology and a green digital asset, XRP. This is how we deliver on our mission to build crypto solutions for a world without economic borders.

About the XRP Ledger

The XRP Ledger (XRPL) is an open source, public and decentralized Layer 1 blockchain led by a global developer community. It is fast, energy-efficient, and reliable. For more than ten years, it has been the blockchain best suited to enable settlement and liquidity of tokenized assets at scale. With ease of development, low transaction costs, and a knowledgeable community, it provides developers with a strong open-source foundation for executing on the most demanding projects – without impacting the XRPL’s lean and efficient feature set. XRPL enables a wide variety of services and use cases including payments, on-chain finance, and tokenization. Learn more at XRPL.org.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230518005199/en/


Raquel Prieto, Ripple Global Communications
Sheryl Tham, Ripple Asia Pacific Communications

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