

Mega Refining and Petrochemical Plant Selects Hytera as Provider of Professional Communications System

发布时间:2023-06-09 16:21

SHENZHEN, China--()--Hytera, a global leading provider of professional communication technologies and solutions, has been selected as the supplier of professional communications solution for the Yulong Island Refining and Petrochemical Integration Project in Shandong Province, China. Hytera won this public tender with its advanced professional digital trunking (PDT) infrastructure, control and dispatch system, network management system (NMS), digital voice recording system (DVRS), and intrinsically safe (IS) PDT two-way radios.

The Yulong project is the largest refining and petrochemical facility being constructed in China. With a projected overall production capacity of 40 million tons per year, this plant is a strategic venture aimed at driving economic growth, enhancing energy production capabilities, and promoting sustainable development in the region.

This bid awarding is a milestone in the advancement of professional communication technologies within the petrochemical sector of China. Under the agreement, Hytera will deploy an array of cutting-edge systems to enhance the communication and collaboration efficiency among the staff and facilitate safe operations at the Yulong Island Refining and Petrochemical plant.

"The selection of Hytera as the provider for the Yulong Refining and Petrochemical Integration project demonstrates the trust and confidence placed in our cutting-edge PDT communication solutions," said Mu Qiao, the General Manager of Hytera China. "We are proud to contribute to the success of this landmark project, enabling efficient communication and ensuring the safety of personnel across the campus."

About Hytera

Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (SZSE: 002583) is a leading global provider of professional communications technologies and solutions. With voice, video and data capabilities, we provide faster, safer, and more versatile connectivity for business and mission critical users. We make the world more efficient and safer by enabling our customers to achieve more in both daily operations and emergency response. Learn more at https://www.hytera.com/en/home.html.

PD790Ex Intrinsically Safe PDT Two-way Radio (Graphic: Business Wire)

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