

Thales Helps Lunit Accelerate the Growth of AI-based Software Cancer Diagnostic Solutions

发布时间:2023-06-13 14:43

Back-office software automation helps increase operational efficiency and improve customer satisfaction
Protection of intellectual property and core technology instrumental in Lunit’s global expansion

PARIS LA DÉFENSE--()--Thales, a global leader in Software Monetization and Licensing, is collaborating with Lunit, a global provider of AI-powered cancer diagnostics and therapeutics solutions, to help accelerate the profitability of its software, protect their core technology, and enhance back-office software automation.

Thales’ Sentinel platform provides services optimized for AI software based on flexible systems and customer-friendly interfaces. The collaboration has enabled Lunit to maintain their software diversity, secure their intellectual property (IP) and successfully distribute solutions through the Sentinel platform.

The relationship between Thales and Lunit initially started three years ago when Lunit, growing at a rapid pace, recognized the need to manage its software more efficiently in terms of security and business. The company chose Thales' Sentinel solution, which complies with various regulations while providing high levels of encryption and the prevention of reverse-engineering. As a result, Lunit has been able to deliver tamper-proof software, which is necessary in the business ethics and regulatory sector.

In addition, Lunit plans to automate its back office based on the Sentinel platform to meet the rapidly increasing needs of its customers after it became a public company. The Sentinel platform will also be used to automate the issuance of licenses directly by partners to prevent mistakes caused by human error, further strengthening customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

“Through Thales’ Sentinel platform, Lunit has achieved robust safeguarding of its core technology while efficiently streamlining the creation and distribution of diverse packaged products across multiple business models, all without additional engineering,” said Minhong Jang, Co-founder, and Chief Business Officer of Lunit. “Working with Thales has played a vital role in protecting the core technology of our AI solution that drives Lunit’s worldwide growth.”

Over the past three years, Thales has worked with AI companies such as Lunit to become a seasoned partner in supporting IP protection and software monetization for global medical institutions and medical device manufacturers,” said Damien Bullot, Vice President Software Monetization at Thales. "While continuing to support Lunit's innovative technology and rapid global growth, we plan to expand in the Korean market by enabling flexible business models to companies wanting to maximize the value of their software” he continued.

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global leader in advanced technologies within three domains: Defence & Security, Aeronautics & Space, and Digital Identity & Security. It develops products and solutions that help make the world safer, greener and more inclusive.

The Group invests close to €4 billion a year in Research & Development, particularly in key areas such as quantum technologies, Edge computing, 6G and cybersecurity.

Thales has 77,000 employees in 68 countries. In 2022, the Group generated sales of €17.6 billion.


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Thales, Media Relations
Security & Cybersecurity
Marion Bonnet
+33 (0)6 60 38 48 92

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