

Galderma Raises Approximately USD 1 Billion for Newly Issued Shares in a Private Placement Round

发布时间:2023-06-27 09:34

ZUG, Switzerland -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Galderma, the emerging pure-play dermatology category leader, announced today a private placement of approximately USD 1 billion for newly issued shares, from a group consisting of current shareholders, new investors, as well as management. The transaction is expected to close in the coming weeks. Galderma will use the proceeds of the private placement to strengthen its balance sheet and to further accelerate its organic growth momentum fueled by its unique integrated dermatology strategy.


“With our relentless focus on commercial execution and premium positioning in high-growth, attractive markets, we continue to deliver strong performance across our three businesses. We are committed to advancing our differentiated innovation pipeline which includes two disruptive biologics with blockbuster potential for long-term sustainable growth.”





Galderma continues to perform strongly delivering at the top end of its 2022 revenue guidance with double digit growth and expects continued strong growth momentum in 2023.


“We are delighted to see current and new investors sharing our strong confidence and trust in Galderma’s growth trajectory. This demonstrates the conviction that we all have in Galderma’s track record and bold ambition. Along with our co-investors, we continue to be highly supportive of Galderma’s unique integrated dermatology strategy and management team.”





An Initial Public Offering (IPO) remains the likely next step in Galderma’s ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world.

About Galderma
Galderma is the emerging pure-play dermatology category leader, present in approximately 90 countries. We deliver an innovative, science-based portfolio of premium flagship brands and services that span the full spectrum of the fast-growing dermatology market through Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology. Since our foundation in 1981, we have dedicated our focus and passion to the human body’s largest organ – the skin – meeting individual consumer and patient needs with superior outcomes in partnership with healthcare professionals. Because we understand that the skin we’re in shapes our lives, we are advancing dermatology for every skin story. For further information, please visit www.galderma.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230626803106/en/


Media relations

Christian Marcoux, M.Sc.
Chief Communications Officer
+41 76 315 26 50

Sébastien Cros
Corporate Communications Director
+41 79 529 59 85

Investor relations

Emil Ivanov
Head of Strategy, Investor Relations, and ESG
+41 21 642 78 12

Jessica Cohen
Investor Relations and Strategy Director
+41 21 642 76 43

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