

Allegro DVT Launches a New Generation of High-Performance Multi-Format Video Encoder IP for 4K/8K Video Resolutions

发布时间:2023-09-13 09:37

GRENOBLE, France--()--Allegro DVT, a leading provider of video encoding semiconductor IP solutions, today announced the availability of its E300 series, a new generation of video encoder IPs built upon a higher performance architecture with support for resolutions from 4K60 up to 8K120.

The E300 series of encoder IPs implements an enhanced hardware architecture that unlocks unprecedented video throughputs and introduces the best trade-offs between video quality and real-time performance. It supports multiple video formats by sharing resources between H.264, HEVC, VP9, AV1 and JPEG compression standards to minimize power consumption and silicon area.

In addition to providing a better pixel throughput and best-in-class video quality, the E300 series also includes many innovative smart features to meet the requirements of a wide range of applications such as professional and consumer video surveillance applications, automotive, application processors and cloud video transcoding and gaming.

These smart encoding features include richer preprocessing options and noise reduction filters, automatic detection of Regions Of Interest (ROI) in source pictures and ultra-low latency encoding. Furthermore, the E300 series embeds various caching and compression mechanisms to lower the memory bandwidth requirements which becomes a critical system level issue with increasing video resolutions and frame rates.

Allegro DVT has a proven track record in providing cutting-edge and scalable video IPs with best-in-class video quality, silicon area and power consumption. The flexibility of the architecture of our new E300 series allows our customers to reach the performance levels required to meet the growing demand for higher picture resolutions up to 8K and higher frame rates up to 120fps. The E300 series is a comprehensive new family of products designed to support a wide spectrum of applications and use cases. This is made possible by an innovative and scalable architecture that allows dynamic trade-offs between compression quality and pixel throughput.” commented Nouar Hamze, CEO of Allegro DVT.

The E300 series is immediately available and is being integrated by major customers into their high performance SoC encoder solutions. To find out more about the E300 series, come and visit Allegro DVT booth 5.A25 at IBC Amsterdam 15-18 September 2023.

About Allegro DVT

Allegro DVT is a world leading provider of digital video technology solutions including compliance streams and video codec semiconductor IPs focused on H.264, HEVC, VP9, AV1, VVC and LCEVC standards.


Allegro DVT press contact:
Stéphanie Nastasi – Communication Manager

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