

Boehringer Ingelheim receives SBTi validation for CO2 reduction targets

发布时间:2023-09-14 18:33

SBTi will monitor and report on Boehringer Ingelheim’s progress to deliver its science-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets
Boehringer Ingelheim is on track to reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions1 by 58.9 percent and absolute scope 3 GHG emissions2 by 27.5 percent in 2030 from 2019

INGELHEIM, Germany--()--Boehringer Ingelheim, a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, said on Thursday it is well on track to achieve its 2030 emission reduction targets, and that it had received approval of those targets from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This validation underlines the company’s commitment to aligning its efforts to tackle climate change and reduce global warming in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement. The SBTi drives ambitious climate action in the private sector, by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets, while maximizing transparency, accountability, and corporate leadership through annual disclosure and progress against the targets.

“Driving environmental stewardship to decarbonize our business operations, both within and beyond the factory gates, has been a long-time priority at Boehringer Ingelheim,” said Felix Gutsche, Boehringer Ingelheim’s Head of Corporate Strategy & Consulting. “Having our emissions reduction targets approved by a respected organization like SBTi confirms that our efforts align with the current global agenda.”

In 2021 Boehringer Ingelheim committed reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions1 by 58.9 percent and absolute scope 3 GHG emissions2 by 27.5 percent (from a 2019 base year). The recent SBTi verification underscores Boehringer Ingelheim’s ongoing efforts.

The company recently added its production sites Fornovo (Italy) and Paulínia (Brazil) to its list of carbon-neutral certified sites, bringing the total to seven worldwide. This achievement resulted amongst others from the purchase and installation of renewable energy solutions, as well as ambitious carbon reduction measures. At other sites, including Dortmund and Katharinenhof (Germany), Gainesville (USA), Sant Cugat (Spain), and Zhangjian (China) the company initiated the integration of circular economy principles into development and manufacturing processes, green mobility concepts, as well as sustainability building standards, e.g., Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for office buildings.

Boehringer Ingelheim’s efforts to implement its low-carbon transformation are driven through the MORE GREEN pillar within its Sustainable Development - For Generations program. To foster low-carbon technologies and solutions, Boehringer Ingelheim applies an internal carbon price of EUR 100 per ton CO2 emissions for investments, which has been fully established at all sites. The company also emphasizes environmental sustainability in larger projects, providing another EUR 130 million for projects that contribute to the global MORE GREEN goals. This fund has now initiated over 60 new environmental sustainability projects since 2020.

To support certified climate contribution projects that help mitigate the environmental impact of currently unavoidable emissions, Boehringer Ingelheim continues to partner with ClimateSeed. This reputable social enterprise offers a broad portfolio of internationally recognized Verified Emissions Reduction projects that not only safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services, but also benefit local communities.

Click here for the full release: https://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com/about-us/sustainable-development/more-green/boehringer-receives-sbti-validation-co2-reduction

1Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy.
2Scope 3 GHG emissions are emissions from purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel and energy related activities, upstream transportation and distribution and use of sold products.


Harro Ten Wolde
Head of Global Media Relations
Email: harro.ten_wolde@boehringer-ingelheim.com
Phone Number: +49 (6132) 77-181352

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