

Demand Increases for Project Professionals with AI Skills, Yet PMI Research Finds Only 18% Have Practical Experience

发布时间:2023-09-27 08:31

PMI commits to supporting project professionals in their pursuit of AI mastery in project management, offering tools, training, and community opportunities to forge or hone critical AI skills

PHILADELPHIA--()--Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's leading organization for the project management profession, is empowering millions of global project professionals worldwide to adopt, embrace, and leverage artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and generative AI (GenAI). PMI is developing the tools, resources, and learning opportunities – including a free, introductory online course entitled “Generative AI Overview for Project Managers” – project professionals need to leverage AI powered technology while preserving the human touch in project management.

According to McKinsey, GenAI and other technologies have the potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees’ time today. But tools cannot automate interpersonal skills, the invaluable and very necessary skills project managers bring to projects. Communication, problem-solving, collaborative leadership, and strategic thinking – skills PMI calls “power skills” – will continue to be crucial to project success. In fact, PMI research finds that organizations that place a high priority on power skills are significantly better at completing projects that meet business goals. Additionally, they waste less investment due to poor project performance compared to the global average (4.8 percent vs. 5.2 percent), and far less than organizations that put a low priority on power skills (8.8 percent).

“I see an incredible opportunity to elevate the leadership role of project professionals in their organization, thanks to the AI-driven disruption,” said Pierre Le Manh, President & Chief Executive Officer of PMI. “Project professionals are natural learners, problem solvers, innovators and they get things done. Now is the time for us to lead the AI transformation of organizations.”


To keep up with the latest developments in AI technology, project professionals must prioritize continuous learning. The Artificial Intelligence in Project Management Resource Center on PMI.org is the destination for learning to navigate a new era of efficiency, insight, and growth. The page, complete with AI insights and learning opportunities, will be updated consistently with new, thought-provoking survey findings, thought leadership, industry analysis, academic research, and community-contributed content and publications. The varied data sources – inclusive of PMI's vast community of academic partners, enterprise partners, and millions of project professionals, combined with proprietary research – will set this content apart and make it the go-to resource for project professionals and organizations striving to leverage these tools to improve project success.

PMI will post two new articles in October 2023. Key insights from these articles include:

  • Project managers can leverage AI for project productivity and enhance power skills. According to the 2023 PMI Annual Global Survey on Project Management, the top three ways project managers use AI are reporting (34%), decision support (33%), and communication (26%). While AI can take on productivity tasks like planning and budgeting, project managers are also using AI as a tool to sharpen specific power skills, so their human interactions and strategic decisions are stronger.
  • AI Adoption will only increase, so project managers need to upskill quickly to take advantage of this enormous career opportunity. The 2023 PMI Annual Global Survey on Project Management found that 82% of senior leaders said AI will have at least some impact on how projects are run at their organization over the next five years. However, unpublished PMI Customer Experience (CX) research found that only 18% of project managers report having extensive or good practical experience with AI tools and technologies, and 49% have little to no experience with or understanding of AI in the context of project management.
  • Building organizational resilience, leveraging technical skills, and upskilling teams will help organizations remain competitive. AI is a major disruption that requires businesses to transform. While technical skills are an important part of widespread AI adoption, it is just one piece of the puzzle. For AI to work, organizations need resilience. The BRIGHTLINE® Initiative and Thinkers50 book Building Resilient Organizations, states that organizations must have a clear vision, a flexible mindset, and empowered teams to foster widespread collaboration.


To help project professionals gain the foundational knowledge they need to master AI in project management, PMI launched a free course to serve as a gateway to learning titled “Generative AI Overview for Project Managers.” It provides learners with practical knowledge for using AI that they can apply to their projects immediately. After completing the course, professionals will earn 5 PDUs and a digital badge issued via Credly.

This course is just the beginning. PMI will continue to release learning content focused on AI in project management, all created for project professionals by project professionals. The PMI community will test the learning content, ensuring it reflects the experience of project professionals who have relevant experience using AI in project management.


As AI takes a foothold on the project management profession, project professionals will need to embrace experimenting with these new tools and connecting with peers for lessons learned. To pave the way for professionals to do this, PMI is reimagining how project professionals can balance AI with human ingenuity at its annual event, PMI® Global Summit, 25-28 October in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

The event’s program features AI-focused sessions, exclusive learning opportunities, and immersive activities. Attendees will learn from AI experts and thought leaders unpacking the power of using AI and be challenged to broaden their perspectives on the use of AI. Register for the event today here.

“AI is on the rise, with Goldman Sachs reporting AI investment could be near $200 billion globally by 2025, making it clear that project managers need to embrace and lead this change,” said Sam Sibley, Global Head, Emerging Products & Innovation for PMI. “With the right combination of how to best use AI on projects and the project manager’s human touch, you can do more than ever to meet every challenge that comes your way. PMI’s commitment is to support and guide project professionals at every career stage to be at the forefront of this new AI-enabled world of work.”

AI brings the potential to unlock a better future with endless opportunities to improve project success rate, benefits realization, and the societal impact of projects. For project professionals who fully embrace AI and enhance their work with its capabilities, they will see career advancement opportunities. To unleash the impact of AI on the future of project management, visit the Artificial Intelligence in Project Management Resource Center.

About Project Management Institute (PMI)
PMI is the leading authority in project management, committed to advancing the project management profession to positively impact project success. We empower professionals to excel in project management practices through our growing global community, knowledge sharing, and best-in-class certifications—driving positive change in organizations and communities. Since 1969, our unwavering mission has been to advocate for the profession by offering life-long learning and connections to sharpen high-demand skills. Today, PMI provides professionals at every stage of their career journey with the globally recognized standards, online courses, thought leadership, events, and tools they need to succeed. With 300 chapters around the world, PMI members can network, find mentors, access career opportunities, and learn from peers, working together to drive greater impact. Visit us at: www.pmi.orglinkedin.com/company/pminstitutefacebook.com/PMInstitute, and on Twitter @PMInstitute.

Project Management Institute, PMI, and BRIGHTLINE are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Rachael Ballard, Manager of External Communications, Project Management Institute

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