


发布时间:2023-10-16 08:20

On 16th October, the world’s greatest marathon runner Eliud Kipchoge came to the INEOS office in Shanghai to meet the team in China and to unveil the first set of INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge posts in China.

The special event gave Eliud the opportunity to meet some of the INEOS China staff who work in Shanghai and are part of INEOS’ growing investment in China. Staff were able to speak to Eliud to find out more about his relationship with Sir Jim Ratcliffe and the collaboration on the INEOS 1:59 Challenge, which saw Eliud shatter one of the greatest sporting barriers to complete the world's first sub two-hour marathon and proved that No Human is Limited.

As part of his visit to INEOS, Eliud joined INEOS China employees’ 2K run at the marathon park also unveiled the first INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge posts in China.

The INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge, which has been created by Sir Jim Ratcliffe as part of the legacy of the sub two-hour marathon, is a global running challenge open to all where participants will aim to complete 352.6m in under 1 minute, representing the speed at which Eliud covered the marathon distance. Physical posts will be located around the world, with the first installed in Vienna, where Eliud broke the 2 hour marathon barrier. A digital challenge has also been launched globally on Strava to encourage people worldwide to have a go and challenge their own limits.

Sir Jim Ratcliffe: “By breaking the 2-hour marathon barrier, Eliud has proven to the world that people can excel when challenged. Our ambition is that through Eliud and the legacy of the INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge we will inspire generations to remove the barriers they place on themselves and believe that No Human Is Limited.”

Eliud Kipchoge, double Olympic Champion and the first person to break the sub two-hour marathon (1:59:40): “The INEOS 1:59 Challenge has a special place in my heart, since then I have experienced that many people felt inspired to either start running or to take of the brakes in their heads and achieve what they want to achieve. I like to inspire people through running, therefore I ask runners to take on the challenge to run my pace from the INEOS 1:59 pace challenge.”

Together, Eliud and INEOS are inviting the world to embrace the belief that limits are meant to be broken and that greatness knows no bounds #NoHumanIsLimited.

Also at the event was the INEOS Grenadier, as it made a special appearance fresh from an off-road adventure through the Gobi Desert to test its endurance. The tough, go-anywhere 4X4 with the modern comfort, refinement and quality standards expected by today’s drivers is expected to be available for Chinese enthusiasts soon.  


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Contact details

INEOS in China: Elsie Ye; elsie.ye@ineos.com    

INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge / INEOS Sport: Sophie Galasinski ; sophie.galasinski@ineos.com

Notes to editors

INEOS in China

INEOS has started to grow its presence in China and currently has 2500 employees in China this is about to grow by more than 1000 with Joint Ventures to be agreed in 2024).

We acquired our first businesses in China in 2005.

We currently operate nine Manufacturing plants in mainland China:

Zhuhai INEOS Aromatics

Ningbo INEOS Styrolution

Foshan INEOS Styrolution

Changzhou Composites

Chongqing INEOS Acetyls (JV)

Nanjing INEOS Acetyls (JV)

Ningbo INEOS SINOPEC Styrolution (JV)

Shanghai Secco (JV)

Tianjin INEOS SINOPEC Petrochemicals (JV)

And three offices:

1. Shanghai Main Office

2. Shanghai Labs

3. Zhuhai offices

INEOS has a growing collaboration with SINOPEC, Chinas largest chemicals company.

In July 2022, INEOS and SINOPEC signed a set of major petrochemical deals with an aggregate value of $7bn.

Two deals were completed in December 2022:

The first INEOS acquired 50% of Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company,

The second is a joint venture for ABS was established between INEOS and SINOPEC.

In August 2023, INEOS formed a 50/50 joint venture with SINOPEC for the Tianjin Nagan Ethylene Project, which is currently under construction. The complex includes a 1.2 mtpa cracker, a new 500ktpa High-Density Polyethylene plant to produce INEOS pipe grade under license and 11 other derivative units.

INEOS continues to grow in China to meet domestic demand for our products as well as export worldwide.

INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge

On October 12th 2019 Eliud Kipchoge completed the world’s first sub two hour marathon. Eliud sustained an incredible pace for a duration of 1 hour, 59 minutes, and 40 seconds, redefining what is possible in the world of running. He proved to the world that NoHumanIsLimited.  The INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge is a global physical and digital challenge to train and work towards matching Eliud’s pace, to complete a 352.6m distance in under 1 minute.

The INEOS 1:59 Pace Challenge invites runners of every ability offering an opportunity for people from all corners of the globe to come together through sport. By taking part in this challenge runners everywhere can be part of something bigger, connecting with each other and helping to create an inspiring, global community of human achievement.

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