

Project Management Institute to Acquire PMO Global Alliance to Build and Strengthen PMO Community Around the World

发布时间:2023-10-27 09:07

Dedicated to fueling professionals’ career-long learning, this acquisition fortifies PMI’s support of experienced project management office (PMO) professionals

PHILADELPHIA--()--Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's leading organization for the project management profession, has signed an agreement to acquire PMO Global Alliance (PMOGA), the largest global community of PMOs and PMO professionals.

Instead of focusing solely on implementing standard processes and procedures, the most effective PMOs also influence strategy and play a pivotal role in helping organizations create value-driven cultures. In fact, research from PMI and PwC on the most mature PMOs found that 73% of them even include a C-suite-level role, compared to 47% of organizations overall. With this increased opportunity to have a seat at the decision-making table, current and aspiring PMO professionals need resources to hone their skills, learn from their peers, and stay current.

“We’re dedicated to empowering project professionals through their entire career journey – from early learning to advancing into the PMO,” said Pierre Le Manh, President & Chief Executive Officer of PMI. “Acquiring PMOGA is key to us strengthening how we support PMO professionals and fulfilling our purpose, especially as PMOs play a crucial role in project success and growth of the project management profession.”

This milestone in PMI and PMOGA history will extend PMOGA’s reach and elevate the value the two organizations collectively bring project professionals worldwide. Chief Executive Officer and Founder of PMOGA Americo Pinto will continue to lead the organization now as a part of PMI.

Founded in 2017, PMOGA is a global community with more than 17,000 members in more than 125 countries. PMOGA developed two professional certifications – the PMO Certified Practitioner (PMO-CP) and the PMO Certified Consultant (PMO-CC) certifications. Members have access to an extensive catalog of learnings and events, including PMOUNCON, the PMOGA World Unconference in Paris, France on 4-5 December 2023. The organization also hosts its own award program, the PMO Global Awards, to celebrate the most accomplished PMOs and PMO professionals.

“PMOGA and PMI have a common passion: empowering professionals and organizations to deliver more value,” said Americo Pinto, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of PMOGA. “My goal was to create a single place where PMO professionals and organizations can find the knowledge and learning experiences they need to create successful and impactful PMOs. With this news, PMI becomes that place, which will unlock new opportunities for the global PMO community.”

Visit pmoga.world to learn more about PMOGA’s mission to connect people and organizations dedicated to advancing the role of PMOs.

About Project Management Institute (PMI)

PMI is the leading authority in project management, committed to advancing the project management profession to positively impact project success. We empower professionals to excel in project management practices through our growing global community, knowledge sharing, and best-in-class certifications—driving positive change in organizations and communities. Since 1969, our unwavering mission has been to advocate for the profession by offering life-long learning and connections to sharpen high-demand skills. Today, PMI provides professionals at every stage of their career journey with the globally recognized standards, online courses, thought leadership, events, and tools they need to succeed. With more than 300 chapters around the world, PMI members can network, find mentors, access career opportunities, and learn from peers, working together to drive greater impact.

Visit us at www.pmi.orglinkedin.com/company/projectmanagementinstitutefacebook.com/PMInstitute, and on X @PMInstitute.


Rachael Ballard, Manager of Public Relations, PMI

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